Sunday, September 1, 2024

And at the end of the day...

"The impression, which is given, is Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and millions of Democrats could give a crap about the 31 dead Americans in Israel and the 13 dead service men and women who died at Abby Gate. No outrage. No mention of the names."

Held hostage for over 300 days. Illegally taken from their own land and hidden with a den of thieves and murderers. Then when the IDF was getting close to maybe freeing them from this Hamas hell, the butchers of Hamas brutally killed five Jews and one American. And who do the Democrats who are protesting in America blame? Israel. Who do many of the Israelis on the left blame? Bebe Netanyahu. But really, who is to blame? If we were truthful and not political, it would be the ones who kidnapped these people out of Israel. The ones who illegally held them captive for almost a year. And finally, the ones who brutally killed each of those six young people.

When I saw this on the news this morning, my blood ran cold. The old war hawk in me came out and wanted more than revenge - I wanted Israel to send in some F-35I jets and bomb what is left in Gaza. Bomb it to smithereens. But that of course, is not the right thing to do. More innocents would die. The irony of Hamas (as reported on the news), is one of the shot callers in Hamas is someone who was released by Israel in a previous hostage trade. That trade was 1,000 Palestinians for one Israeli. Why so lopsided? The Palestinians don't give a rip about human life, whereas the Jewish people do.

Speaking of how much human life is valued, has anyone else noticed that right after the October 7th slaughter, 31 Americans were also killed? And 10 were taken hostage. Has anyone heard one peep coming out of our government? We should be spitting tacks mad - but we are not. Oh well. Now one of the six which were recently killed by Hamas is an American. Where is the outrage at the killers? The stupid mutts who are protesting at the University of Michigan are blaming Israel for everything - including getting themselves slaughtered on October 7th. 

The impression, which is given, is Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and millions of Democrats could give a crap about the 31 dead Americans in Israel and the 13 dead service men and women who died at Abby Gate. No outrage. No mention of the names. Heck, Biden and Harris could even find it within themselves to mention the names of the dead Americans at Abby Gate on the third anniversary of their deaths. I am sorry this had to turn political, but at the end of the day, there is nothing but silence from our government.

It is a sad day when we have to commit to killing people who are so vile and evil. But there is no reforming people who have this lust for death in their DNA. Bebe Netanyahu had it right from the jump. Go into Gaza and kill (or capture) each and every one of these butchers who are soldiers for Hamas. The ones who are captured will never see the light of day again. And the ones who are killed, have purchased their fate by the coldness and blackness of their own hearts.      


  1. If you've read & remember the Book of Esther, you'll know why I call these black-hearted fiends "Hamans."

    1. Good call Aquilifer. We discussed this in church and you are CORRECT!
