Saturday, September 7, 2024

Optimus Prime? No - Optimus Gen 3 Humanoid

One more thing. By the time we have our next presidential election, you should be able to see humanoid robots all over the place. And no - they will not be allowed to vote. Why not? First, they are not citizens. Second, they are way too smart. They will always vote Republican! 

Elon Musk, the one of the smartest people on the planet, one of the richest, and one of the craftiest, is about to shock everyone all over again. As the clock ticks down to 2025, the long-awaited Optimus Gen 3 will be released. And if it is half as good as Elon has promised, it is going to be a whopper. Because Elon is Elon, while other humanoid robot manufacturers are trying like crazy to get the cost per unit under $80,000 (and worth every penny), Elon once again is thinking on a different dimension. He wants the cost per Optimus Gen 3 to be about $10,000 - maybe $20,000 for some deluxe features included. 

Whoa - hold on! Right now, many of the techno experts are thinking Optimus Gen 3 will be heads and shoulders over the rest of the pack. And now Elon thinks he can make these things for a fraction of what the other companies are going to sell humanoid robots for. How, how, how can he do that? Plus, Elon has recently said these things will be so smart, and able to do so much, you can ditch your cell phone. You won't need to anymore. 

BTW, the graphic I post on this article is from the movie I Robot. I decided not to post a graphic of Optimus Gen 3 until it is released. But Elon is hard over in making the release date of December 31st, 2024, at the latest. He wants 5,000 of these humanoids working at his Tesla plants in 2025. And then in 2026, he wants Optimus Gen 3 to be ready to go to market. And he expects the order will be coming in fast and furious. 

I might have mentioned this before. The human hand has 27 types of motion. Most basic robots have just a few of those, as they are so hard to replicate. Elon is saying that Optimus Gen 3 will have 22 types of motion. That is crazy good if it is true! Once again, while the rest of industry is playing checkers, Elon Musk is playing chess. Or maybe three-dimensional chess. 

One more thing. By the time we have our next presidential election, you should be able to see humanoid robots all over the place. And no - they will not be allowed to vote. Why not? First, they are not citizens. Second, they are way too smart. They will always vote Republican! 

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