Monday, September 16, 2024

Providence? I think so...

"The Providence of God. It is real. The messages are right out in the open now for all to see. Donald Trump has been spared for a reason. Twice now spared."

It happened again. Never in my lifetime, not in this country's history, has that happened before. Twice, in two months, an attempt on a former president's life. Not just a former president, but the man who could (or should) be president again. When I first heard this as breaking news yesterday, I thought I was a stupid joke from either the Onion or Babylon Bee. But it was not.

The fact this attempt on Trump's life was foiled was almost as miraculous as the first attempt being foiled. Why? This shooter was holed up quite well right next to a fence and hidden in the bushes. He had the Russian version of an AR-15 and some back packs full of ceramic to keep him as "bulletproof" as possible. It was almost a perfect "sniper's nest". To me, seeing a dark barrel of a long gun barely sticking out of the bushes and through a chain linked fence would have been very hard to see. But one sharp Secret Service guy did see it. And immediately opened fire. 

All I could think of after I let this latest attempt sink in, was this - everything happens for a reason. Donald Trump's life has been spared twice now. Some on the other side might read this and scoff. That is okay - scoff away. But here is the truth as I see it. God Almighty does not like the hard left turn this country has made. How we have become almost like the ancient Romans with our human secularisms. How we have turned from God. The Holy Bible is replete with stories on how God has used men, many less than perfect, to do the right thing. To do what God would like to have done.

The Providence of God. It is real. The messages are right out in the open now for all to see. Donald Trump has been spared for a reason. Twice now spared. Just to refresh for a second about the first time he was spared. The graphic he turned to look at is one he usually always saves until the end of his speech. For unknown (to us) reasons, he turned to look at it early. That saved his life. Accident? Maybe. Providence? Absolutely.

To get this country back on track, we need Trump in the White House. To end these endless wars, and to move us back from the brink of WW III, we need Trump in the White House. To keep God in the middle of our country, as the Founders did when they constructed our founding documents, we need Trump back in the White House. 

Time is running out. Only Trump can fix what has been broken. That's it. No more and no less.     

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