Thursday, September 27, 2012

Spirals in the sky

Please don't think I have morphed into Art Bell. This topic is very weird, but very real as spirals in the sky have been witnessed by thousands of people. Ever since December of 2009 when the first notable spiral appeared over Norway (some say the first one was over Russia in 2006), these phenomena have led to speculation, theories and unease. The Norway spiral only lasted two minutes and was quick to be explained away as some visual anomaly resulting from a Russian missile launch.

After the Norway sighting, other spirals began to appear. In June 2010, one appeared over Australia and lasted longer than the two minute Norway sighting. Again, this one was explained away as after a rocket launch from Florida, people saw the visible tail of the rocket heading down range over Australia.

Now the story is going to get stranger. In May 2010, a mysterious spiral was seen and heard across Western Canada in what looked like something out of a science fiction movie. It was reported that an object swooped down from the sky and then returned in a brilliant display across Western Canada. The experts have examined the photographs and videos of this event and cannot see what would caused it - certainly nothing from Earth. YouTube has a very good video (with sound) of this spiral and it is strange and disturbing to say the least. The Norway spiral was said to be caused by a missile launch in the Russian territory, but there were no known missile launches anywhere prior to the Canada sighting.

Many other reports of spirals have since been noted. All have been after the 2009 Norway sighting. Mexico, Utah, China, New York and the Middle East to name a few. All have similarities to the Norway sighting, albeit most not as spectacular. It seems like the more events which are witnessed, there are fewer people who believe they have anything to do with wayward missile launches.

So what in the heck are they? They are something since so many people have seen and photographed them. Some people believe they are a purely natural occurrence based on the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence exhibits a certain numerical pattern which originated as the answer to an exercise in the first ever high school algebra text. It can be used to model or describe an amazing variety of phenomena, in mathematics and science, art and nature. The mathematical ideas the Fibonacci sequence leads to, such as the golden ratio, spirals and self- similar curves, have long been appreciated for their charm and beauty, however no one can really explain why they are echoed so clearly in the world of art and nature.

What else could have caused such a perfect spiral to appear in the sky?  According to some, the Norway event was accomplished using the Norwegian EISCAT antenna array located near the estimated position of the spiral display. EISCAT, like HAARP in Alaska, was designed to stimulate electrons in the upper atmosphere for research purposes, but rumors abound that these antenna farms have military applications as well. There appears to be evidence that an experiment at EISCAT was in progress at the time when the spiral appeared. The antenna array is well placed to create the spiral, and it is suggested that "torsion weapons technology" was likely used in its creation.
An India newspaper article citing Todd Pedersen, a research physicist at the US Air Force Research Laboratory in Massachusetts and the leader of a team of experimenters at HAARP. In that article, Pedersen claimed that in 2008, HAARP was used to "induce a strange bull's-eye pattern in the night sky. Instead of the expected fuzzy, doughnut-shaped blob, surprising irregular luminescent bands radiated out from the centre of the bull's-eye".  Perhaps the perfect Norway spiral could be attributed to the much higher one gigawatt power used by the EISCAT array.

From there the theories go directly to the X-Files. UFOs, wormholes, inter dimensional portholes, and so on. Some believe the first one in December 2009 over Norway coincided with President Obama's Nobel Prize visit for a reason - and that reason is not known.  The theories are endless - as endless as the mind's imagination. All I know is this - for the past four or so years, something natural or unnatural is causing these spirals. Whatever the answer, I am very anxious to find out what, or who, it is.

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