Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Paradigm Shift

Years ago, this was something that I put together for my two girls as they were leaving high school. The purpose was if one was to succeed in college, the thinking, or paradigm needed to shift. Many struggle in college because they still use the high school model rather than the college model. Much of this comes from my own experience in college, both from  success and failure perspectives. My first college experience out of high school was dismal - I used the high school model. I had fun, but the results were dismal. After my first hitch in the Navy, I used the college model. There was very little fun, but it was successful.  
1) I am all caught up
2) I have nothing to do
3) I read when I have to
4) I have a social life
5) I hate to study
6) I need time to chill
7) Organization is a waste of time
8) My parents work against me


1) I am never caught up
2) I have too much to do
3) I have to read
4) I will have a good life
5) I need to study
6) I need more study time
7) Organization keeps me from wasting time
8) My parents work with me


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