Thursday, May 9, 2013

WMD and Benghazi


"Bush lied and people died..."
The Mantra of the Left
It did not take long when the Benghazi hearings started the first time around, for one of the Useful Idiots to bring up the topic of WMD all over again. While some on the Conservative side of the street were appalled, I am anxious to talk about this topic one more time. I believe strongly, as did the Clinton Administration as well as our allies, Saddam did have weapons of mass destruction. He had them and he used them. Saddam was an evil man, but not a dumb man. When he saw the end was coming, he hid many of his weapons in the Beqaa Valley of Lebanon.
We took out Saddam Hussein because he was a bad man. He was bad for his country, and he was bad for the region. He was ruthless. He invaded a sovereign country and occupied it.  United Nations gave consent to a coalition of the willing to oust Iraq from Kuwait. Once the coalition succeeded, a cease fire with conditions was drawn up. The coalition had every right to go back into Iraq if Saddam did not live by the sanctions imposed upon him.
Saddam violated the conditions of the cease fire repeatedly. He was warned by the UN as well as the United States. The fact he had WMD was only one issue. There were others that were more empirical that warranted action. That is why we took him out. If we had not taken him out, and he was still in power and knew that Iran was developing a nuke, Saddam would be close behind. The bottom line is this - the world is a safer place without Saddam Hussein.
Flash forward to the Benghazi hearings. These have no similarity to the WMD hearings what so ever. While it is true we have not found Saddam's WMD (yet), the Bush Administration was very open on why they thought the WMD had resided in Iraq. In addition, they had proof positive that Saddam had used them in the past. The truth in Benghazi is being smothered by the Administration's PC Police. Just like with Fast and Furious, gun running is the number one suspect. Lies. lies and damn lies are being told to protect some in the castle who now have innocent American blood on their hands.
So what I say to those on the left who want to compare WMD to Benghazi - bring it on. WMD, just like gun running are facts. The only difference is the Bush Administration admitted to knowing there was WMD. Lets see if President Obama and Ms. Clinton can admit to the gun running in Libya.

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