Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Broken Trust


"Once you take veracity and trust out of a relationship, there is not much of a relationship left..."

One of the talking heads I was listening to this morning had this to say: "It is not just the Tea Party that is preventing things from getting done in Washington - it is the fact that so many do not trust the government these days". Wow! As we use to say in the Navy, "No (blank) Sherlock!" And why is it you ask, that so many people don't trust our government these days. Hmmmm.........

"Starve the Beast" - Even though the ever irrelevant MSNBC keeps telling us through PSA ads that government is the only way to solve big, tough issues, the facts do not support that.
The Costs of Public Income Redistribution and Private Charity, by economist James Rolph Edwards, which was published in the Journal of Libertarian Studies in Summer 2007, reports the following:

"[Government] income redistribution agencies are estimated to absorb about two-thirds of each dollar budgeted to them in overhead costs, and in some cases as much as three-quarters of each dollar...on the average, 70 cents of each dollar budgeted for government assistance goes not to the poor, but to the members of the welfare bureaucracy and others serving the poor."

This supports what many have been saying for years. Programs increase the size of government many times over, often needlessly. Unlike the private sector, there is seldom internal reviews to ascertain the health of a program. Once programs are promulgated, they seem to roll on into infinity, spending money on mostly sustaining themselves. Many government programs today are nothing more than juggernauts.

FIAT Government - "If Congress won't act on this, I will." Who could ever forget that now famous line by leader of our Executive Branch. Our president seems to forget we fought a war against tyranny to keep from serving under a king. The people in this country are CITIZENS, and not SUBJECTS. Our Constitution divided our government for a reason. We have balance - checks and balances. To ignore what our founding fathers put forth does nothing but create fiat government.

Czars and Regulations - Someone asked not too long ago, "What is the difference these days between statutory and regulatory?" My response - not much. We now pass laws through Congress that are over a thousand pages long, loaded up with costly and unrelated "riders", and worst of all, unread by the body which just passed them. The laws are written by consultants and aides, and full of "legalese and gobblety-gook. We have unelected czars writing thousands of pages of regulations to accompany these laws. Nobody reads them, few understand them, yet all must live under them.

Unilateral Determination - Once a law is passed, either the courts or the president may amend, delay or ignore parts of it. What? They can't do that! It seems they can. Citizens no longer have the right of self determination. That right can and will be usurped at any time by the courts or the Executive Branch.

How do we fix our broken trust with the Government? First and foremost, go back to following the Constitution. I know many in government today think our Constitution is more of a road block than a guidepost. Those are the people who would like to rewrite it or amend it to meet "today's needs". Somebody posted on FB not too long ago, "We now have the government our founders warned us about." That person may be more right that he or she could possible know.

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