Friday, August 8, 2014

Jimmy, Willie and Barry


"See no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil..."

What is it about evil that Democrats cannot see or do not understand? What is currently going on in Iraq, Syria and Libya is beyond a nightmare. Our current WH resident has finally come out of his "deer in the headlights" stance. The tens of thousands of innocents in Iraq are going to be sent (via USAF air mail), water and food so they don't die. ISIS (or ISIL) are waiting for them in the town down below. If they come down, rather than take their chances of the mountain they escaped to, they will be given the ISIS ultimatum - convert or die.

Obama, Clinton and Carter are (or were) all Presidents who became confused on what evil is. Bush was not. He saw 9/11 for what it was. Evil. And evil must be dealt with. Swiftly and decisively. Obama is so worried about getting his fingers dirty, we end up doing nothing. We are mere spectators to the terror and horror in countries near and far. As evil grows in the world, all we can do is continue to cut our military down to the nubbins.

When Clinton was President, he was much too concerned about other matters (if you know what I mean) to be worried about this growing evil. In February of 1993, shortly after being sworn in , the World Trade Center was bombed. Before long, we knew who the guilty party was. It was Al Qaeda, led by Osama Bin Laden. Rather than going into a full court press, Clinton gave a tepid response to this growing terrorism. Even after 1996 Khobar Bombing, and then the 2000 USS Cole bombing, Clinton did not aggressively pursue Bin Laden.

During the Carter Administration is when the ball really started to roll. In Iran, our good friend and ally (the Shah) was overthrown and a radical Islamic group took control. Our embassy was overrun and Americans were held hostage for 444 days. Rather than going in with guns blazing, we tried one feeble attempt at rescue and that failed miserably. The remainder of Carter's term was defined by perceived American weakness as our hostages waited, and waited and waited.

As much as evil grew under Carter and Clinton, it is growing like a wildfire now. We have a Commander in Chief who saves his sharp words and ire for Republicans, instead of mass murdering terrorists. Under his watch, the caliphate, real or imagined, is going to reshape the Middle East. As Bebe Netanyahu has said more than once, "Israel is looked upon by the terrorists as the little Satan - it is American who is the real target."

Wake up America. We need to wake up and make sure our President is awake. What we learned on 9/11 was a simple lesson. The great oceans that have protected us in the past, protect us no more. Evil is coming. We can either deal with it now over there, or in the near future over here.       

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