Thursday, July 19, 2018

Laying on the tracks, waiting for the next train to come...

"We control the future. We control the outcome. If we win, things will be like never before. However, if we lose, we might as well be laying on the tracks, waiting for the next train to come..."

I have already painted a picture of what Minnesota would look like with Jeff Johnson as Governor, Donna Bergstrom as Lt Governor, Doug Wardlow as AG, John Howe as SOS, and Pam Myhra as State Auditor. The state would run like never before. And with the addition of Pete Stauber, Jim Hagedorn, and Dave Hughes in Congress as well as Jim Newberger and Karin Housley in the Senate, our Washington representation will go from good to excellent!

Today however, I am going to be Dr. Storm Cloud once again, and lay out the other end of the spectrum. How this state would be without this dream team. Putting it succinctly, it would be the beginning of the end.

Picture the Erin and Erin team at Governor and Lt. Governor. Their number one priority would be to "fix" our unfair tax system. Raise the rates on the wealthiest to allow more lower income people to go un-taxed. They would make us a sanctuary state. They would advocate open borders. Then they would be after our already numerous gun laws. The gun grabbers in the state would be in their glory as our slippery slope of losing gun rights would suddenly become very steep. Soon, we would have the same gun rights as citizens of Chicago. That would be none at all. 

To help with all the above, Attorney General Keith Ellison would be in his glory. He would have every lawyer in the AG office filing suits against every part of the Trump Administration, as well as every large company in Minnesota. Minnesota would quickly be known as the most business unfriendly state in the Midwest (yes - worse than it is now!). Between the additional taxes and increased regulations, it would be a foot race to see who could get out of this state faster - seniors or business owners.

Let's us not forget our Congressmen and women. With Ellison leaving CD 5, it clears the path to elect the even nuttier Ilhan Omar. She would get along very well with the other new female freshman from Minnesota - Angie Craig. I think we could all imagine what the agenda would be like. Especially working with our newly re-elected Senators, Amy and Tina, To say this would be a nightmare scenario in Washington, would be a vast understatement.

This is a future for Minnesota none of us want. Yet, it is indeed possible. The Lefties are energized to "right the wrongs" which happened in 2016. The lap dog media will be more than willing to help make this worst case scenario happen. Is there anything which can be done to avoid it?

VOTE! INFORM! DONATE! HELP! Taking a pass on this election would be ceding this state to the Toxic Blue Tide. It would kill the state. Vote for ALL endorsed candidates on August 14th and then vote again for ALL our endorsed candidates in the general election. We have the chance to make Minnesota great again. Or, we can be spectators and watch it dissolve into progressive misery.

We control the future. We control the outcome. If we win, things will be like never before. We can be a mecca for business and seniors. However, if we lose, we might as well be laying on the tracks, waiting for the next train to come...


  1. The end result will be a dukes mixture of left and right, representing the wishes of the people of MN.
    You're all or nothing mentality is irrational.

    1. At least JJ has Pawlenty hating WCCO tv on his side. May help.
