Friday, June 28, 2019

The green light for illegals

"Sound far fetched? Listen to the words spoken in these debates. Now I will use their term. Also listen to the 'dog whistle' of tyranny. It is there. Trust me, it is. This black and white world, instead of the technicolor one we have now, is just waiting for us in the next election."

This country is on the verge of a major sea change. Maybe not on the verge - let's just say on the precipice. I have said this before, but it might bear repeating. I thought abortion was going to be the final irreconcilable split in this country. I might have been wrong. It just might be illegal immigration.

Last night in Clown Car - Part 2, there was a very good question asked by a moderator. "Raise your hand if you would like to decriminalize the act of coming over our borders undocumented." Most raised their hands. The green light to come here illegally just got a whole lot greener.

Then another moderator asked even a better question - "Raise your hand if you will provide FREE healthcare to undocumented people". ALL of them raised their hands. The green light then went from very bright green to neon bright green.

Now let's assume anyone of these clowns beats Donald Trump, the House stays Blue and the Senate flips. Here is what will happen:

  • The National Debt Clock will no longer be needed. Our national debt will be so high, so unsustainable, people will just stop paying attention to it.
  • We can reassign Border Patrol agents and ICE agents to other jobs. Illegals can come and go unfettered, and by then everyone documented or not, will be given free health care. 
  • All drugs will be legal. We will have so many drugs pouring over the southern border, the long lasting War on Drugs will be lost. We will just surrender. As so many additional young lives will also be lost due to drugs. But who cares? With no southern border, this will become just a cost of doing business.
  • Our major Blue cities will become like Chicago was in the 1930's - run by crime bosses. Only this time it will not be Al Capone. It it will be MS-13 (and others like it). Since they can stroll across the border anytime they like, our cities will become theirs. 
  • Since Democrats will be running everything, human trafficking will be looked upon as a non-crime. After all, pedophilia has been considered by some on the Left as normal (remember NAMBLA?). Sex will be what ever, when ever, and with whom ever. No holds barred. Marriage will be tossed out the window and many in this nation will be poluamerious.
  • The stock market will tank, as capital gains will be fully taxed, and all stock transactions will now have a tax put on them.
  • Wealth will be confiscated, as there will also be a wealth tax to supplement the income tax .
Sound far fetched? Listen to the words spoken in these debates. Now I will use their term. Also listen to the "dog whistle" of tyranny. It is there. Trust me, it is. This black and white world, instead of the technicolor one we live in now, is just waiting for us in the next election.

If these people don't scare you, they should. I can see our freedom and liberty going right out the window in less than two years. These are perilous times patriots. Really, really perilous. 

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