Friday, April 17, 2020

Transportation, "gating" and SD

"And to think, we could have had Jeff Johnson right now instead of Mr. Rocks and Cows. Remember that in November - elections have consequences - sometimes dire consequences."    

Remember car pooling? Van Pooling? All those "greenie" things to make us feel better? After all, we were saving our Big Blue Marble from being stomped on my our collective carbon footprints. Well, right now we have a big, big problem. And it has to do with SD (due to the concerns of a longtime social media friend, she never wants to hear the term "social distancing" again - so I will use "SD" instead). How in the world can one practice the proper SD while car pooling? While taking an MTC bus? Those homeless shelters on rails - better known as LRT? And airplanes, once they start filling up again?

We are now in the period of "gating". I guess that means our imperial governor will determine if or when we are worthy enough to get to Phase One of returning to normal. By the way, whomever came up with these three phases might want to re-think them a bit. After we have "gated" at bit, and we are allowed to enter Phase One, one of the items which will be allowed will be going to a movie theater (if they are still in business). One doctor was asked if he thought it would be safe to go to a movie. His response - in a theater of 200 people, as soon as someone sneezes, the ensuing panic will be tantamount to yelling "FIRE".

This new game of "gating" and Phases is not without its peril. At any time, should the "curve" start to climb again, you could be sent back to "Go" without collecting $200. Why is that? Short of saying screw it, and opening everything up all at once and letting herd immunity run its course, we are going to be plagued by this virus for a long time. Maybe wave after wave for the rest of the year and into the next. Bottom line? We really don't know how to get out of this box canyon the ChiComs have put us in.

When you think back (seems like years now), to the days prior to the virus, so many things we did were communal. Sporting events, movie theaters, working, church, going out to eat - the list could go on forever. Now, we are being asked to proceed back to some kind of normal while practicing SD, constant hand washing, and no hand shakes. Anyone have an idea how this new normal is going to look? I sure don't.

Meanwhile, our imperial idiot governor, is now part of a neighborhood team of other idiot governors. They will plot how to make this "gating" happen. Oh, joy. We even have the queen of mean thrown in the mix - that would be Michigan's DEMOCRAT governor. How about a normal governor like Kristie Noem from South Dakota, just to even things out a bit? No flipping way! No normal people in this group!

Today is the big protest in St. Paul. Will it do any good? Na. Walz will blow it off. After all, it is just his subjects who don't know any better. And who does know better? Why him of course. The man who never worked in the private sector. The one who has no clue about how businesses operate and where the money comes from.

And to think, we could have had Jeff Johnson right now instead of Mr. Rocks and Cows. Remember that in November - elections have consequences - sometimes dire consequences.    

1 comment:

  1. SD can also stand for South Dakota, which certain close relatives of mine have thought of moving to.
