Friday, November 6, 2020

A November turkey

"The Democrats resist Voter ID, as they claim it will lead to voter suppression. We say BS to that crap. Voter ID would stop much, maybe not all, of the fraud. How about mail in ballots? They are the petri dish for fraudulent voting practices."

What a mess! Well, elections have consequences. At one time, the consequences were ordinary. Today however, the consequences are for all the marbles. When one side is backed by socialists, who absolutely want to change our country into something "otherworldly", this becomes a hill worth dying on (for us). What is at risk? The unborn for starters. How strong is the desire to rid many on the left of unborn babies? Try this one on.

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam. By trade he is a pediatric neurologist. In other words, he focused on the health of kids. He is a former Army officer. He spent eight years in the Medical Corps. One would think he would be the biggest anti-abortion advocate in the world. But he is not. In fact, he is one of the champions of abortion, right up to the moment of birth. And for today's left, this is their hill worth dying for. What kind of evil is this? A kid's doctor, one of the lefties leading the charge to kill the unborn?

Besides abortion, the left has other pet rocks. Like gun control. Just wait until Beto becomes President Biden's Gun Control Czar. Amnesty for illegal aliens. AOC, President Biden's new Border Control Chief, will make that happen. With bells on her feet. Our new Secretary of Treasury (Elizabeth Warren), will be in charge of the transformation of our economy from an Adam Smith economy to a Karl Marx economy. And there is much more.

This is their chance to make all of those bad things (plus much more) happen to our great country. In 2016, Donald Trump provided an unwanted roadblock, when he unexpectedly beat Queen Hillary. The socialists made a promise to themselves right after the 2016 election - that would NEVER happen again. This election in 2020, as rancid as it has been, has been in the planning stages for years. And a cornerstone of this election has been ubiquitous voter fraud. It happens every election. But never like this one. 

Think I am just whistling past the grave yard? I am not. This scares me to death. In 2004, John Fund of the WSJ wrote a book called Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens our Democracy. He has studied this for years. He even had some examples from Minnesota. Hello, Senator Franken and Governor Dayton. It is real, it is pervasive, and it is growing.  

Matt Schlapp was on the news this morning, and said something quite interesting about voter fraud. After every election, voter fraud is known about, and then whispered about. Even though It has been known about, it is difficult to prove. No longer. It is time to expose this cancer within our voting system. I mean, right now, half the country feels we have zero voter integrity. If Biden prevails, the Trump supporters will know this was election theft, pure and simple.

The Democrats resist Voter ID, as they claim it will lead to voter suppression. We say BS to that crap. Voter ID would stop much, maybe not all, of the fraud. How about mail in ballots? They are nothing but a petri dish for fraudulent voting practices.

Somehow we will get through this. The Trump supporters will never heal if Biden gets the nod. But at least we can learn from this. The Democrats have cheated for so long, it might be hard for them to change. Either change, or we will have a civil war. But to grow, to have a viable voting system, we need to have voter integrity. As a supporter of Voter ID, can we PLEASE have it now?


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