Friday, November 20, 2020

Well, this is peculiar ...

"If Trump's team gets blown off, or the validity of this election is not proved by the Democrats, get ready for torches and pitchforks. Why do I say that? That is how banana republics operate. That is why." 

One day, a little boy came up to his father. "Dad, what is gravity?" The father looked at his son and scratched his head. How in the world can he explain gravity to a child? After all, it exists. It is a natural law. It not only exists here on Earth, but also all over the Universe. But as real as it is, you can't touch it, can't smell it, and most importantly - can't see it. With all those parameters in mind, he looked down at his son and said, "Daddy is busy right now. Why don't you go play in your room."

Truthfully, most of us know there is gravity because we see its effects. And, so? Let's look at Trump's legal team. Let's look at the state of Minnesota. There are over 70 million people in this country right now that believe we have had a massive fraud in this last election. Like gravity, it is so pervasive, we can't see it (yet) - but we can see the effects of it. 

In statistics, there is something called The Improbability Principle. There comes a point, where the evidence shows that something may not be totally impossible, but highly improbable. Yesterday, the Chair of MN GOP published a letter for a press release. She said the voting results from this month's election have been closely examined. Both for the Senate seat as well as President. The numbers just don't make sense. Trump came very close to taking this state in 2016. This time - not close at all. Odd, since he is so popular now in most of MN. 

All across the nation, odd things are popping up. Unfolded mail in ballots (like, how does that happen). Ballots with only Biden's name marked off - none of the down ballots (not just a few - but many). Missing ballots being found which were over 95% (or higher) for Biden. The Democrat Mayors and Governors in areas where this happened may not be alarmed, but they should be. These are all red flags.

There is a lot to this election which stinks. Things in this election worked out way, way too well for a senile old man. A senile old man, beating a sitting President who has a list of accomplishments a mile long. And then there is this - a senile old gaffe machine getting almost 80 million votes? NFW! It goes way beyond peculiar, almost way beyond improbable. Truthfully, almost impossible.

Here is the bottom line. It is not only incumbent on Trump's legal team to start showing real evidence (releasing the Kraken!), but it is also incumbent upon the Democrats to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, this election was totally pure. If Trump's team gets blown off, or the validity of this election is not proved by the Democrats, get ready for torches and pitchforks. Why do I say that? That is how banana republics operate. That is why. 


1 comment:

  1. "If Trump's team gets blown off, or the validity of this election is not proved by the Democrats, get ready for torches and pitchforks. Why do I say that? That is how banana republics operate."

    Yes, we have no bananas!

    Why use torches & pitchforks when you have guns & ammo?
