Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Fauci: The good doc, or master of disaster?

"What is Fauci's fate? Depends on the election. If Trump is re-elected, Dr. Fauci will probably go back into private practice, as his welcome mat at the White House will be removed." 

I have been perplexed and amazed on how much of this election has come down to Covid - 19. Not who caused this disease, as most clear thinking Americans know it was the CCP. No, for the socialists, it was all Trump's fault. He is the villain, and Dr. Tony Fauci is the hero. In the eyes of the socialists, Fauci can do no wrong. And in their opinion, he is stuck in the White House, serving under that ogre Donald Trump - and Trump never listens to him. Consequently, 230,000 Americans have died from Covid.

First a bit of breaking news from Bing. Seems that some scientists are saying the CCP virus is starting to mutate. No new symptoms or anything - it is just becoming much more contagious. This news will fit right in with Fauci's playbook. How so? Fauci, along with Birx and Osterholm, have long advocated the only way to stop the spread of this virus, is to lock down more. And Trump knows the downside of locking down again. It would mean an economy, which is just now coming back to life, would be put back on life support.

And there is the rub. Biden on the other hand, along with many of the socialists who support him, would be just fine with shutting down the economy again. Plus, have everyone wearing clothe masks, from sun up to sun down (and maybe in their sleep also).

We all know the reason why socialists don't care if the economy is shut down for another six months or so. Money. They don't understand money or wealth. Heck, just have Washington print another 100 trillion or so, and we will be good. Trump on the other hand, knows that shutting down for another six months or so, would put our economy in the ditch for years - maybe forever.

Here is my feeling on the Trump/Fauci matter. Donald Trump has done about as good of a job as anyone could do, walking the tightrope. Trying to keep us as safe as possible, while still keeping the economy going. Sure he still has rallies. But note that red MAGA face masks are passed out for the fans to wear. Fauci does not agree with the rallies. Calls them "super spreader" events.

Trump is putting all his money on a viable vaccine. Not just one vaccine, but many. He knows this virus will stick around for a while. It will continue to mutate. And even though slightly over 9 million in the US have been infected to date, that is still less than 3% of our total population. If Dr. Osterholm is correct, vaccine or no vaccine, this virus will stick around until 60% of our population has been infected. In other words, if Osterholm is correct, we have a long way to go down this dark tunnel. Regardless of who wins the election.

On a personal note, last night my wife and I found out a couple whom we have known for years, who are the same age as us, are both recovering from Covid. Neither died, and neither were in the hospital. But they were sicker than dogs at home. So what are our choices right now? Take Fauci's advice and turn into Herman's hermits? Take some other's advice and "let her rip"? Live our lives like the virus does not exist? Or take the President's advice and continue to walk this tightrope. 

What is Fauci's fate? Depends on the election. If Trump is re-elected, Dr. Fauci will probably go back into private practice, as his welcome mat at the White House will be removed. If Biden wins, Fauci will probably be his health czar. And we will be locked down and masked up. 

Stay tuned folks. Covid is allowing our economy to hang by a thread. Should Biden win the day, Fauci will turn from the good doctor to the master of disaster. I am afraid Dr. Fauci will allow that thin thread to break, thereby dooming our economy.   

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