Thursday, August 11, 2022

Tormented and now lionized

"Joe Biden has done more for the Republican Party, than any other person on Earth. We should be grateful to Mr. Biden. All this damage he has caused to his party, and it did not even cost us a dime."

One of the Democrat pundits was on the news yesterday, lamenting about what just happened down in Mar-a-Lago. He said something very powerful. If there is not an absolute smoking gun which matches what is on the search warrant, all that would be accomplished, is the further lionization of Donald Trump. Ya think? Right now, even many long time detractors of the Don, are coming to his aid. Why? Most red team members think fairly, and what is happening to Donald Trump right now, is anything but fair.

That being said, there are two other things right now which are more damaging than the unfair and unwarranted treatment of Donald Trump. First off, our frayed system of justice is now showing itself for being a two teared mess. Hunter Biden, James Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr., and so forth, are walking around scot free. Oh, so is Hillary and Sandy Berger. Meanwhile, our torted justice system is throwing everything at Trump but the kitchen sink. Not fair, not right, not good.

The second thing is just how sick and corrupted Washington DC is. It has gone from the Deep State, to an army of bureaucrats who are growing in number - and more are becoming armed. Without checks and balances in place, the government has become an amorphous monster. It is taking over ever aspect of our lives. Soon, it will be like the jack booted brown shirts. Don't think so? Consider 87,000 more IRS agents - many of whom will be armed.  

Folks on the left will always hate Donald Trump. They will never forgive him for 2016. But since he has been out of office, his base has remained strong - very strong. Plus, many who have been a bit soft on Trump in the past, are now not as soft. Many realize that our of our very strong bench right now, Trump might still be the strongest. And that scares the heck out of the socialists.

Here is what the Democrats and socialists are starting to realize. And this is why they are working so hard to ruin Donald Trump. If he gets back in the WH in 2025, there will no learning curve required. He knows where the bodies are buried. He knows the extent of the disease that Washington has. And he know how many thousands of misfits and malcontents he will need to fire.

The table is set for a real ass kicking in November. The best part is, the Republicans have done nothing to set this table. It has been all Democrats. All the Republicans have needed to do, is grab a chair, pop some popcorn - and watch. Joe Biden has done more for the Republican Party, than any other person on Earth. We should be grateful to Mr. Biden. All this damage he has caused to his party, and it did not even cost us a dime. 


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