Friday, December 23, 2022

A "generational" storm?

"Hello? Cold and snowy? That is the norm for this time of year. Plus, it is Christmas time. White Christmas? How many times do we wish for one? Now we got one, and it is a doozy."

I have been very fortunate in my life. I have lived through a "500 year" storm, a few "100 year" storms, and now a "generational" storm. Wow! Talk about timing! If I had been born in the 1930's instead of the 1940's, I could have added the "Dust Bowl" years onto that list. No hate mail please, when I say this. At the end of the day (even a stormy day), it is just weather. Not climate change, just weather change.

Okay. I am starting to feel some negative energy coming from my climate alarmist friends. So, let me remind everyone of one stubborn fact. We are still in an ice age. When the Earth's climate is measured in eons, eras and epochs, our weather (climate) is always changing. Ice ages come and go. In fact, a norm for Mother Earth, is not to have any ice caps - or maybe one at the most. Because we are still in an ice age (albeit an interglacial period), we have two ice caps. 

You might be wondering why I have a pic of dear sweet Greta on this post. "How dare me!" Greta to me, represents everything which is wrong with this picture. She is convinced (because she is not educated), that we are screwing up the globe. All that carbon we are throwing into the atmosphere is going to turn Earth into Venus - or maybe even Mercury. All that is nonsense. If she did her homework, she would know we are in the twilight of fossil fuels. We will still be using oil for many decades to come, for use in manufacturing purposes. But the era of the fuel cell, fusion and fission are coming, and coming soon. Fossil fuels, as an energy source, will soon start to sunset. And Mother Earth, will continue to spin.

Wait a minute Bird! What about this "generational storm"? Don't blow this off as nothing! Okay, I will bite. First off, it is the dead of winter. Duh! Hello? Cold and snowy? That is the norm for this time of year. Next, it is Christmas time. White Christmas? How many times do we wish for one? Now we got one, and it is a doozy. But, but it is -40 below windchill! Yes, it is. And by Wednesday, if might be 35 above. When that happens, since it will be above the average temp for that day, are we back to global warming? I think not. Take that Greta!

What am I going to do today? Not much. Enjoy doing some reading and tinkering in this warm house. If the wind calms down, we will go to a church service either tonight or tomorrow. If it is still ugly outside, we will watch a service on the internet.

Christmas WILL come, and it will be celebrated, one way or another. Weather or no weather, Christmas WILL come.


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