Friday, December 30, 2022

Tall tales and sea stories

"'There are lies, damn lies and statistics". Or, there is just telling the truth. And if for some reason you stumble and tell an un-truth, confess and come clean - immediately. No more BS. Just the truth please. The American people deserve it."   

For anyone who has served in "Uncle Sam's Canoe Club", this is a familiar saying. Every time a sailor (or former sailor) would start out a story or tale by saying "This is a no s**t sea story", you needed to lace up your BS boots. Why? Because what was coming at you, was probably a whopper. True, some sea stories had an element of truth in them, but usually a whole lot of blarney added also.

Why bring this up? George Santos. One of our newest elected Republican Congressmen. He got caught not only telling sea stories and tall tales, but also out and out lies. If I had got caught telling out and out lies like Santos did, I would be hiding my head in the deepest hole I could find. But I will give him credit for his response when caught - "Yes, but powerful Democrats tell bigger lies". Say what? I guess Santos missed that bit of counseling when growing up, where his parents told him that "two wrongs don't make a right".

Was Santos right? Do powerful Democrats tell bigger lies? Sure. But also some recent powerful Republicans did also. Ergo, here is the problem. Lying. Deceit. Or even just being a BS merchant. Is this what we want our kids to see? To learn from? I mean, COME ON, MAN! We need to be better people, especially the ones we elect to represent us. I know Biden lies a lot. I will give him the benefit of the doubt however, as I think he is missing a screw or two. Hillary, when she told the whopper about landing at some airport under heavy snipper fire? That was just a bald face lie.

I know, I know. We all tell half truths at some time or another. I know I do. For example, when our kids or grandies do something they are proud of, and in reality it is not that good, we still tell them it was awesome. Is that a lie? An acceptable lie? A "white lie"? For most of us, it is just fine to keep doing that. But - when we tell an un-truth, or out and out lie, just to edify or benefit ourselves - that is not alright. Not cool. 

As far as Santos is concerned, he needs to go. He needs to come to grips with the fact he has some issues - some big issues. Senator Blumenthal from Connecticut should have also resigned right after his stolen valor issue years ago. No Senator, you did not serve in Viet Nam. The fact you lied about that, was an insult to our brave veterans who did serve there. And Joe Biden needs to be called out by his fawning press when he tells his lies. He is supposed to be our POTUS, not Walter Mitty.

"There are lies, damn lies and statistics". Or, there is just telling the truth. And if for some reason you stumble and tell an un-truth, confess and come clean - immediately. No more BS. Just the truth please. The American people deserve it.   



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