Thursday, December 22, 2022

Peace on Earth? Maybe. Sometimes.

"Christmastime in 1914, on a cold and bloody battlefield, showed us it was possible to overcome our human and carnal instincts. It is up to all of us, to resurrect that peace between us."

"Peace on Earth, goodwill towards men". In our lives, how many times have we heard that expression? Especially, this time of year? But wait - peace on Earth cannot be happening, as we are at war. A war which transcends any established "rules of war". A warring nation (Russia), trying to destroy a neighboring country. A warring nation, trying to kill innocent civilians by either direct fire, or indirect causes, like freezing or starvation.

An olive branch was sent to Russia, to maybe have a Christmas cease fire, so both sides could celebrate the Christmas season. "Absolutely not!", snapped the little guy running Russia. "We stay at war". 

One would think, when a Christian nation fights another Christian nation (how does that even happen?), fighting at Christmas time would be out of the question. Russia, who professes to be Russian Orthodox, wants nothing to do with peace on Earth, goodwill towards men. However, it was not always this way. 

The most famous cease fire came in 1914 during the Great War (WW I). Pope Benedict XV called for a cease fire on Christmas Eve. The leaders of the warring countries rejected that idea as foolish. Or was it? The troops doing the fighting, remembered what Christmas was all about. Christmas was about was peace of Earth. Maybe, just maybe, for a few short hours, the horrors of war could stop, and mankind could embrace each other as brothers.

British, French and Belgian troops on Christmas Eve in 1914, threw their rifles out of the trenches and foxholes and stepped into the clear. The German Army responded as well. Was there some kind of skullduggery or subterfuge planned by either Army? Nope. They embraced each other as fellow men, and for two days, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, celebrated as fellow Christians.

It is rumored they sang carols together, played soccer, and ate together. It was as men are suppose to act - not only at Christmas, but all throughout the year. My opinion? Yes, but much more importantly, this is how God Almighty wants us to act. To love each other - even our enemies. It is the second part of the greatest commandment.

After Christmas was over, so was the ceasefire. The killing and the carnage continued. By the time the Great War was over, millions had died. And for what? What did it accomplish? Nothing, really. Just a few decades later, was another World War. More killing, and more carnage. The peace on Earth goodwill towards men celebrated on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in 1914? Gone and all but forgotten.

Beside the greatest commandment in Holy Scriptures, we must also remember the Beatitude about peace. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God" (Matthew 5:9). Christmastime in 1914, on a cold and bloody battlefield, showed us it was possible to overcome our human and carnal instincts. It is up to all of us, to resurrect that peace between us. 


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