Monday, July 22, 2024

It is not the person, it's the message!

"Our cure for Biden and company starts in 2024. There is no tomorrow other than November 5, 2024. If we lose that race, we have lost the country. Yes, it is that important. Don't believe the Democrat sophism. Only believe the truth you heard during the RNC convention."  

Come on man! Give me a break! Okay, so Jill finally submitted to have Joe drop out of the 2024 race. Like - DUH! That should have been done a long time ago. Why? As most of us know, the man in not well. Not at all. BUT - it was not Joe's message. Why? Joe's message is not just Joe's message. It is the message which belongs to the party. For those who are looking for a moderate Democrat who can spew a message from decades prior - wake up and smell the coffee. There IS ONLY ONE MESSAGE TODAY. And it looks NOTHING like Democrat messaging from the old days. 

What do you think the message from our VEEP, the "Border Czar" is going to be? Clamp down on the illegals? Will it look anything like the Republican platform on border security? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Not even close. Will it look like Biden's? Like two peas in a pod. Taxes, weak defense, DEI everywhere, no borders, clean energy, EV mandates - everything will look like warmed over Biden crapola. 

BTW - don't expect any Democrat to debate Donald Trump on the issues. They are not into that. In fact (you might love this one) - this weekend I read a poll where one out of three Democrats think the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was "staged". And three out of three Democrats (not a poll, my opinion), only refer to Trump as lawless, criminal, felon, selfish, and so forth. Nothing about the issues, only a besmirching of his character. I guess this all we can expect from the party that booed God at a convention.

So, what can we expect out of Kamala Harris? Besides insipid laughing and word salad? Nothing new under the sun. People will brag about how tough she was as the CA AG. Really? If she was so tough back then, what the Sam Hill is going on in our cities today? Where is that toughness? What is she really good at? Willie Brown could give one answer. But where is her vision for our country? It can't get much worse than where Biden has taken us.

For those who are interested in a new vision for our country, just watch the re-runs of the RNC convention. Donald Trump (and others) were very clear how we can stop the hemorrhaging towards malaise and restart the building of greatness for the United States. However, four more years of Biden/Harris type mismanagement, and we might then be around the curve. In other words, too late. 

Our cure for Biden and company starts in 2024. There is no tomorrow other than November 5, 2024. If we lose that race, we have lost the country. Yes, it is that important. Don't believe the Democrat sophism. Only believe the truth you heard during the RNC convention.  

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