Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Our liberty story; an originalist idea

"Donald Trump has originalist ideas on how our country should run. How our people should prosper. Should Donald Trump be the 47th president of this great nation, and should he have a friendly House and Senate, good things could be in the offing. That is the good news." 

Once upon a time, in the deep woods of North America, the British Empire established 13 colonies to become a new part of that empire. The plan was good except for one minor thing - once away from the clutches of King George, the colonists started to understand what the French had been talking about. This freedom thing. This liberty thing. The next thing you know, there was a Declaration of Independence penned by these rebels, and then a war for independence. Then it happened - the birth of the United States of America.

Things were different back then. The concept of freedom was not as complicated. It was as simple as "I can swing my fist as far and wide as I want to, until it touches the tip of your nose - that is where my freedom ends." When our Constitution was written, many of these basic liberties were put to paper. The Framers wanted our Constitution to be a document of explaining our freedoms, not confining our freedoms. It still today, is a marvelous document. 

Flash forward to today. We are two different countries, living within the same borders. Those who still believe in the manner in which our Constitution was written are sometimes referred to as "originalists". Many conservatives are of that ilk. They believe our Constitution is sacrosanct. Should not be changed nor watered down. The progressives on the other hand, believe both our Constitution and Holy Bible are dated, and need to be changed. To be with the times. And both sides of this argument are as similar to each other as oil is to water. 

The person who will probably be the progressive nominee in 2024 is the most radical person ever to run for president. While in the Senate, her voting record was the most extreme. Moreso than Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren put together. Should she be elected, it would change this country into something the Framers would not recognize. No patriot would recognize.

If we had a President Kamala Harris, it would be the end of America as we know it, and the birth of a tyrannical nation, maybe called Amerika. The Constitution would be re-written to tell the subjects of this new land, what few freedoms they have left. The remainder of any God given freedoms would accrue to the government. It would be King George, all over again.

Donald Trump has originalist ideas on how our country should run. How our people should prosper. Should Donald Trump be the 47th president of this great nation, and should he have a friendly House and Senate, good things could be in the offing. That is the good news. Unfortunately, there is also some bad news. The other side, the very radical wing of this country, are not going away. Their cancer is too deep. Just like when Donald Trump was our 45th president, they tried to ruin him. They will do it again should he be our 47th president.

Is there a simple answer to this bad marriage now called America? Can conservatives and progressives ever live in peace and harmony? Can we be one country once again? Some are suggesting maybe a national divorce would be better than what we have now. A separation of states by ideology.

I don't know what the answer is. Can Donald Trump heal us? I know he will try. Can Kamala Harris heal us? No, but she can surely subjugate us. Whoever said this election was for all the marbles, was telling us the truth.     

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