Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Oh NATO - where art thou?

Anyhow, welcome to our NATO friends. Enjoy the city, enjoy the weather, and most of all, enjoy the show. Show? What show? Us. The United States. Biden's America. All we can hope is this too, shall pass. 

Get ready! This is the week! The huge NATO get together in Washington. And there are many things to discuss. And one thing to observe. Observe? Yes, the "leader of the free world". Uncle Joe. Like, how is he? Is he with us or is he still chasing Corn Pop around the high school gym? There should be bigger fish to fry. Ukraine. Putin. China. Iran. But instead, the center of concern will also me the master of ceremonies. Joe Biden. Our own "scrappy kid from Scranton".

Is Joe really, okay? Is he fit to be Commander in Chief? Is he fit to be the "leader of the free world"? Is he fit to take out the trash? The fact that so many are concerned about his mental fitness right now, reminds me of a discussion I had many years ago. It had to do with honesty. What is almost as bad as being dishonest, is others having the impression that you are dishonest. In other words, there may be a sliver of hope that Biden is fit as a fiddle, but most don't believe it. And that is a HUGE problem.

By the way, since Biden has decided to "slow walk" some of our promised weapons to Ukraine, Putin has decided to up his game (so to speak). Putin has decided that in the absence of upgraded Patriot systems (as well as other systems), this would be a great time to send in waves of missiles into urban areas. Hit hospitals and schools, as to break the will of the people. But is that right? To go after civilians? Sure, if you live inside of Putin's head. Keeping warfare only between soldiers is only for suckers (according to Putin). Scorched Earth - that is Putin's mantra.

There is only one thing that Putin hates more than Ukraine right now, and that is NATO. He would love to go toe to toe with NATO, especially now, with the United States having an empty suit at the helm. Which country in Europe would be the first to feel Putin's wrath should he decide to make a play for NATO? My guess would be Poland, although with Duda in charge of Poland right now, Putin might find he has a tiger by the tail. 

One general was on the news recently, admonishing Biden for not talking to Putin in over two years. "When you are president, it is not only important that you talk to your friends, but also your advisories." Wait - our "scrappy kid from Scranton", the one who "beat the hell out of the racist Corn Pop", is he afraid of Putin? Are you yellow, Joe? You know Joe, Putin is like a shark. He can smell fear. And your fear of Putin, stinks.

Anyhow, welcome to our NATO friends. Enjoy the city, enjoy the weather, and most of all, enjoy the show. Show? What show? Us. The United States. Biden's America. All we can hope is this too, shall pass. 



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