Monday, September 30, 2024

That train has left the station...

"Wait - where is all the fun of being president? Where is the legacy? Maybe it would have been better to run a shadow campaign so Trump could have won. Let Trump have this mess, because Kamala sure does not like it - not one bit. I guess the old saying that sometime Hawaii is not like the brochure is still accurate. Again, where is the fun? That train has left the station."   

Since Halloween is in about a month, I will take the liberty of doing another scary story this morning. Once more, please bear with me as I get into the real scary (yet fictional) stuff. The election is over, and somehow Kamala has snatched victory away from us. She takes office, and true to her word, she has a ton of very expensive government plans she wants to burden us with. I mean - why not? Biden did it, once he took the office. And we let Biden do it. Why? We were foolish. And now Kamala thinks she can repeat what Biden did. But hold on for a minute.

Kamala may not know this as yet, but her win might turn into nothing more than a pyrrhic victory. In other words, as the old saying goes, "be careful of what you wish for". She will find out the Congress will be very stingy in piling a bunch more dollars onto our national debt. Why? People are still smarting out there from the mess Biden left us with. Too much inflation. Plus, if the Senate swings the other way and becomes red, Kamala will not even get permission to use the little girl's room. She will find out her victory was sterile and vacuous.

Plus, even though this fact has been shrouded in gaslighting and misinformation, international gangs are starting to proliferate from all over the world now, into all corners of our great country. Instead of Kamala muttering that tired old cliche "pathway to citizenship" for illegals, even the most brainwashed of her minions have started to clamor for a pathway to deportation instead. Yes, the major invasion of illegals that Biden let loose on this country, has now come home to roost on Kamala's doorstep.

Now with Iran declaring war on Israel during the middle of October, what is she to do? First off, her "peeps", the anarchists on campus', want her to denounce and defund Israel. But hold on - Congress wants to support Israel. Now what Kamala? First you can't spend the money you want, then you find out more and more people want this illegal immigrant mess cleaned up, and now this war by Israel against an DNC ally like Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. 

Wait - where is all the fun of being president? Where is the legacy? Maybe it would have been better to run a shadow campaign so Trump could have won. Let Trump have this mess, because Kamala sure does not like it - not one bit. I guess the old saying that sometime Hawaii is not like the brochure is still accurate. Again, where is the fun? That train has left the station.   

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