Saturday, September 28, 2024

♪♪ Where have all the bad guys gone, long time passing...♪♪

"Both Hamas and Hezbollah have developed the very sick skill of blending in with the innocent people. Hiding missiles and arms in houses, mosques and hospitals. Fire a missile into Israel, and then blend back in with the civilian population. Very cleaver, and very cold."

Whoops there they go. Whoops there they go. Did Hezbollah really think they could every day for almost a year, send missiles into northern Israel, and not get some payback? Have so many missiles rain down on Israel, that tens of thousands of citizens have driven out of their houses? This group of hoodlums, who look like they came out of the 12th century, have kicked sand in the wrong direction, and in the wrong faces. Israel is a modern country, with a kick butt military, and an intelligence branch which is the best in the world.

The entire top three levels of Hezbollah are now gone. Israel has laid down the gauntlet. Bibi said as much at the UN yesterday. "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" The two or three cups of grace that Israel has given Hezbollah and Lebanon are now empty. Hezbollah fires a missile into Israel, and Israel will let loose with a couple of its F-35's to pay Hezbollah back. 

Both Hamas and Hezbollah have developed the very sick skill of blending in with the innocent people. Hiding missiles and arms in houses, mosques and hospitals. Fire a missile into Israel, and then blend back in with the civilian population. Very cleaver, and very cold. Hiding behind women and children is not really the mark of heroes - that is instead the mark of cowards. But the days of grace are over. Israel has instructed the good folks Lebanon who live in the populated areas where Hezbollah hides - to flee. Bad times are coming.

What would I like to see the United States do? Use our assets in the area to pound the Houthis into dust. Enough is enough to what they are doing to the Red Sea shipping. Enough is enough when they fire long range missiles into Israel. This is the least we can do to help our friends in Israel. A salvo of maybe 50 Tomahawk missiles, followed up by some visits from our F-18 Super Hornets could fix that problem pronto visto.

Good guys and bad guys. The game never changes. So long as evil stalks our land, we will have bad guys. And we saw on October 7th in Israel, just how evil some bad guys can be. Time to take care of family business. Time to clean house. Enough is enough. Pay attention Iran - you might be next.  

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