Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What are they????


"Most people who see one, wish they had not"

I am one of the crazy people you hear about from time to time who has seen a "something" in the sky. It was not something I set out to do - it came very unexpectedly. I don't tell many people about it, and when I do I cringe a bit. I know how I felt when I talked to someone who had seen a UFO in the past. I think some of the time I had a small smirk on my face.
I should not feel like too much of a minority however. Even though it is difficult to estimate how many people have seen "something", the estimates are over 15,000,000 in the United States and over 100,000,000 worldwide. By any standard, that is a whole bunch of people.
If you have not seen one, yet want to see what these unexplained lights in the sky look like, just go on You Tube. There are hundreds of videos to choose from. They are from all over the world, daytime and nighttime, lights or actual crafts. There is quite a cornucopia of "somethings" to choose from.
Our government has been aware of these "somethings" for quite a while. It started in World War II with the mysterious Foo Fighters that would tail Allied aircraft. In 1947, the government established Project Sign to investigate this phenomena. Due to some controversy, Sign was abolished in 1949 and replaced with Project Grudge, which also lasted a very short time. Grudge was then replaced with the now famous Project Bluebook, which lasted until January 1970. Since then, there has been no "official" project to look into these sightings.

According to people who track these phenomena, the number of sightings have been increasing at an increasing rate. Why? Nobody seems to know. If the number of sightings in the United States alone is over 15,000,000, why would our government have no official program to investigate what they are?

There are growing number of people who believe our government knows quite a bit more than they are letting on to. In fact, there is an organization called the Disclosure Project which has been searching out responsible people who have had an experience or seen a "something". This organization is headed up by a former medical doctor named Steven Greer. He has over 400 witnesses that come from government, industry, and the military. Some are from here and some internationally. They all have agreed to testify under oath when they tell of their experiences.

If this is a hoax, it is the broadest, most pervasive hoax ever concocted. If it is mass hysteria, it is of biblical proportions. If there is even a modicum of truth in these experiences, it will be one of the biggest stories of mankind.

As for me, I don't know what they are. They might be some kind of super secret aircraft our government is working on. Or they could be visitors from another star system, another time, or another dimension. Or, some bible scholars think they might be fallen angels. Or they might just be swamp gas or some other kind of natural phenomena. Whatever they are, they are "something" - and if our government knows what these "somethings" are, they owe us the truth.  

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