Friday, October 11, 2013

Why we now hate Paul Revere


"Would you please shut up? I am trying to sleep here!"

I have wondered for a while now how Paul Revere would be received today. Paul Revere was not a teller of good news - he was however, a teller of very important news. Today, we have modern day Paul Reveres telling an equally important story. For the most part, they are ignored or even silenced.

With the future of our country hanging in the balance, we have people screaming at the top of their lungs about the coming danger. Many of the loudest voices come from today's Tea Party. Rather than being looked upon as patriots (as the Tea Party was years ago), today's Tea Party is often perceived as "crazies". In fact, the "polls" show the Tea Party is about as popular as food poisoning.

This brings me to a very sensitive point. Yesterday I heard (at two different venues), two leading candidates for CD6 express their views. Both of these fine men said the same thing - they both hate the term "low information voter". As much as I respect both of these gentlemen, I have to strongly disagree. We do have some very, very uninformed voters in this state (and country). They don't like to hear the truth. They don't like bad news. They REALLY do like Santa Clause, and that is why they vote for him year after year.

Here is what Paul Revere is trying to tell us today. No, the British are not coming - rather, it is the Americans. It is the Americans who have lost the ability to take care of themselves financially. With a national debt now over $17T (ten years ago, that would have been science fiction) and Obamacare looking more like a train wreck than ever, the villain is - the Tea Party. Establishment Republicans will distance themselves from Tea Party members of Congress, side with the Democrats to "get along, go along", and we will all slip back into the Matrix together.

Here is a news flash for the weak kneed, round heeled ruling class - we are not going away. Call us crazy, besmirch our good name, even castigate us. But we will continue to tell the truth. I don't give a damn if the poll numbers go to negative 10% - the truth is the truth. Obamacare is an out of control money pit with no cost controls. Ignoring it will not make it better. Out debt will continue to grow. There will be a day of reckoning, and it longer we postpone it, the worst the damage will be to our country. We will continue to print money until either hyper-inflation or deflation will destroy our currency.

One final word on how out of touch many of our people have become. Some taking head for Politico was on the air this morning talking about a conservative group meeting this weekend. They did not invite Chris Christy to speak (gasp!). The talking head from Politico said "I will tell you how out of touch this group is - they are starting their conference with a worship session." Well guess what Mr. Talking Head from Politico - if you read up on our history, you would know our Founding Fathers and patriots were deep in the faith. They were on their knees many times, deep in prayer.

If he were alive today, Paul Revere would shout - "Wake up! Wake up! The invasion has started!" Only today, the invasion force today is ignorance and apathy. Just like with the British many years ago, today the twin dangers of ignorance and apathy present a clear and present danger to our fine republic.

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