Monday, April 25, 2016

More convention post mortem musings

"The Republicans are going to continue on with fratricide and purity tests until our herd is culled down to nothing."

I remember getting in a conversation with a Democrat friend not too many years ago (yes, I do have some Democratic friends). The question I asked him seemed like a logical one to ask. How in the world can Democrats win so many races, both statewide and national, when they put forward such flawed candidates? My Democrat friend looked at me like I was the dumbest person on Earth to ask such a question.

He replied that there is plenty of infighting that goes on before and during the convention. But once the convention is over, everyone gathers around the nominee. EVERYONE. He then said, "You folks continue to fight up to, during and after the general election. That is why we beat you so much."

Then I thought back to the last presidential campaign. Hillary and Obama hated each other (many think they still do). They got down and dirty. Some of the old "Clinton dirty tricks" came out against Obama. Then the convention happened, and the Clintons and the Obamas acted like first cousins. Love at first sight. They pulled the party together and beat John McCain like a drum. Then they did it again four years later against Mitt. 

Infighting also gave us the worst Governor in the history of mankind. This guy is so bad, a friend of mine yesterday said he would give his eyeteeth to have Governor Jesse back - and he does not like Jesse. The Republicans have run two very fine gentlemen against this flawed Governor in two separate races. The first time we had a renegade Republican break off and run third party. That was victory number one. The second time we had a very nice man run against our Governor - too nice. He did not go in for the political kill like he should have. That was victory number two.

Now that our convention is over and the state convention has not yet started, I can see the table being set. Not just here, but nationally. We are going to allow a person who has more baggage than a cross country bus to be our next President. Right now, I don't think we have a prayer. The Republicans are going to continue on with fratricide and purity tests until our herd is culled down to nothing. 

And last night when I was trying to digest everything that happened from this past weekend, it hit me. Like a "Duh!" Many of us on the Republican side care more about principle than victory. Even to the point we would sacrifice victory to take a principled stand. By voting third party or not voting at all. Many on the other side care only about victory. Winning at any cost. As the late Al Davis would tell the Raiders, "Win baby, just win!" And then we lose. That is why we see so many flawed people in high positions in this country. 

Right now I am looking forward to the state convention about as much as having a root canal. If the district convention was a harbinger on how the state convention will turn out, it will be painful. If the Republicans don't start to "get it", I can easily not only see President Clinton in our future, but also Governor Tina Smith to boot. And that is a nightmare I don't want to have.

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