Monday, September 30, 2019

And at the end of the day...

"After the endless pounding they have inflicted on this President, most of which is undeserving, scars run very deep. How deep? If a socialist somehow wins the White House in 2020, our government could come to a screeching halt."

I am sure I am not the only one who has had this thought. It is a confusing thought for sure, with no easy resolution. I am wondering where this country is headed right now. At the end of the day, where will we be? Where will Nirvana be? Will there be a Nirvana? Or will there be a civil war? The world is a mess right now, with many souls worldwide looking to the US of A for guidance. For stability. Well guess what? It ain't here right now. We are a mess, just like the world is.

First off, one the things I have reconfirmed in some deep thinking is this - our current fall from harmony has very little to do with Donald Trump. Why do I say that? It really is simple. Donald Trump represents a large swath of people in this country, from a large swath of the land they dwell on. Take away Donald Trump via impeachment or early retirement, guess what? That large swath of people living on that large swath of land will still be here. Those people will find another torch bearer to represent them. After the Presidency of Donald Trump is over, the freedom loving people of this country will know exactly what type of leadership we need. Sorry Mitt. Sorry Jeb. Sorry establishment RINOs. It ain't you. We have seen what real leadership looks like.

I bring this up for a reason. The fracture in our country might be too big, too wide, to heal. The socialists have devolved into a mind set that sees this country as only zero sum. If I have something, and you do not - it is unfair. Proper governance and taxation will fix that inequity. These are people who love serving at the behest of the government. In government, they find their peace. Often times, their god. For sure, their master.

Patriots on the other hand, still believe on what the Founding Fathers knit into our Constitution. They believe in the rule of law. They believe in private property. The believe in a merciful and just God. They believe in freedom. And they believe in equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.

We tried eight years of Barack Obama. We tried the lead from behind, everyone gets a participation trophy. We tried to make America not the shining city on the hill, but just one of the global citizens. We tried it all, and the socialists and globalists in the world loved it. The UN loved it. The patriots hated it. If we had taken that stance in World War I or World War II, who knows what the world would look like right now. I just know it would not look like the one we have.

Donald Trump on the other hand, got elected for one reason only. He spoke for the men and woman in this country who had no voice under Obama. He spoke for freedom. For prosperity. For strength. And dare I say it? For making America great again. He spoke for the millions who did not want to surrender this country to the globalists. He gave us hope. After being sworn in, that hope transitioned into action, and our long slumbering economy started to roar.

We have now circled back to the end of the day. One day, Donald Trump will no longer be our President. What then? The patriots will not put up with another eight years of Obama, or worse. The socialists will not want another freedom loving capitalist running the country. So then, how do we knit this fabric? Become whole again? Or are we around the bend? Where there cannot be any healing. If so, then what?

One thing more the folks on the Left need to know. After the endless pounding they have inflicted on this President, most of which is undeserving, scars run very deep. How deep? If a socialist somehow wins the White House in 2020, our government could come to a screeching halt. Something to ponder as we go forth. It is not yet the end of the day, but we can see it from here.   

1 comment:

  1. Nirvana is not one of the options. This is Earth, where $#|+ happens. But we can still improve it, as our Founders realized.
