Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Freedom vs. Socialism?

"In the United States right now, we have our own crop of 'useful idiots'. They could bring down this great country by not firing a shot. They will do it by voting for, and electing, socialists. Then my friends, it will be game over."    

There sure has been quite a bit of buzz on the cable news channels as of late. The 2020 election. How it will define our country for years, maybe decades to come. Amazingly, almost unbelievably, this country is going to decide if it will continue being a republic, loaded with personal freedoms, or surrender to the specter of socialism. Because of our dumbed down, common cored, social engineered education system, many of our young people are almost giddy at the thought of turning this great country into a mess. 

My feeling is that world wide, many freedom loving people who are currently living in repressive countries, are looking at America and scratching their collective heads. America, the cradle of modern day freedoms and liberty, is going to vote to give that up? Why? What the what? You see, unlike in our country, where history is now taught in high school and colleges as a fable, people in totalitarian countries are seeing oppression up close and personal. There is no "Common Core" needed to tort the facts for the oppressed - these people are living them.

This morning our beloved Governor, the carpetbagger from Nebraska, penned an article in the op/ed. "Come on! Let's make Minnesota the education state!" He went on the decry the stubborn achievement gap, and the disparity in educational opportunities by zip code. (...yawn...) Sorry - dozed off. That same article could have been written twenty years ago. THAT IS NOT THE PROBLEM GOVERNOR! Never has been. Our education system is BROKEN! We are not teaching anymore! We are indoctrinating! If we were teaching real history and civics, we would not have idiots like AOC running around the country, acting like a "Pied Piper" to our young folks! They would know better!

So here we are, at the precipice of history. I don't want to sound overly dramatic, but we really are. There are already organizations working the campuses to get these young skulls full of mush signed up to vote. And guess what? Most will probably vote for the socialist way of life. Why? Professor Dip S**t told them it would be "cool" to get free stuff and not have to work for it. Socialism is a much "fairer" way to live. Equal everything for everyone. Yippee!

If the socialists win, the next thing to fall will be our Constitution. It will be out of sync with the "New World Order". So it will be scrapped and re-written. Even though our current Constitution makes it very hard to do so, the socialists will find a way to get the necessary majorities to get it done. It will their highest priority. Remember - one of the Left's heroes, RBG, has been overseas telling foreigners our Constitution sucks, and they should never try to imitate nor emulate it. Bravo, to a Supreme Court Justice! Time to retire, Ruth!

If you love President Trump, hate President Trump, or are just neutral on him, yet love our freedoms and our Constitution, it is IMPERATIVE you vote for Donald Trump in 2020. If we lose the White House in 2020 to Warren, Sanders, Harris, Beto, Pete, or even "Sleepy Joe", we are screwed beyond hope. Even Amy would be a disaster. 

It has been alleged that Vlad Lenin coined the term "useful idiots" for the minions on the Left who could be easily manipulated. They were very important in the spread of communism.

In the United States right now, we have our own crop of  "useful idiots". They could bring down this great country by not firing a shot. They will do it by voting for, and electing, socialists. Then my friends, it will be game over.    

1 comment:

  1. Oh, hell no! Scrapping the Constitution would be suicidal for these clowns. Without this legal basis for governing, they have none! "Game over" would immediately give way to a "new game" of our choosing. Do these fools who proclaim "resistance" to Trump not understand that we will resist?
