Thursday, September 5, 2019

Screwing in ye old light bulb...

"Now that Labor Day is over, the worst of the worst are expected to return to Washington to sit on their collective arses and DO NOTHING. All this while we are paying them six figure salaries." 

Here is a question most of us have heard throughout the ages. Why is it, government, be it federal, state or local - is so screwed up, they can't even screw in a light bulb? It started off as a standard joke, but my, oh my, has history and the facts ever proven this to be true. In a company, where there is that darn old bottom line to worry about, "driftwood" (non-performing employees) and dysfunctional systems are NOT TOLERATED. In government, it has become the norm. Don't believe it? Just look at the DHS in Minnesota.

We elect people to represent us. Does not matter if that is federal, state or local. Some how, some where along the road, many of these folks (once elected) assume 1) we now work for them and 2) poor performance is okay. In fact, many become very defensive or indignant when asked for the truth. Like, why do we need to know? Just because we are paying the freight, that is why! 

Like I said - all levels of government. In the news this morning, it was reported that the Chicago school system is going to mandate the teaching of LBGQT history and lifestyle. Huh? What the hell for? What ever happened to teaching true history and civics? Teaching real math instead of Common Core mumbo jumbo? These school boards WORK FOR US! What if we don't want that crap taught to our kids? Pull our kids out of government schools? Fine. Then stop taxing us for them.

If real history was still taught in schools, they would understand how much Thomas Jefferson understood the dangers of an out of control government. "Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends {life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness} it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and institute a new government..." I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would think about our out of control governments today? He might say, "time to clean house!"

Some think this "dumbing down" of our kids has been a long term strategy of the Left. Makes it easier for indoctrination. Why? The opposite of indoctrination is critical thinking. Get rid of the critical thinking, and you end up with mind numbed robots. And mind numbed robots love to be controlled by a controlling government. Sound familiar? Like Big Brother in 1984? Group-think anyone? 

Now that Labor Day is over, the worst of the worst are expected to return to Washington to sit on their collective arses and DO NOTHING. All this while we are paying them six figure salaries. In 2020, we need to elect people who will serve the public by doing the will of the people. The crowd we have now, panders only to the will of the far, far fringe Lefties. No one else. 

In closing, remember Jefferson's most memorable (attributable) quote about government. "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Take that, you gun grabbers! 

1 comment:

  1. There is this myth that we vote for and get the government we deserve. A) I didn't vote for these clowns, and B) NOBODY deserves what they are doing to us!
