Monday, December 9, 2019

Merry Christmas, once again!

"This year more than ever, we should all feel free to tell others to have a Merry Christmas. And why not? What a season of joy!"

Merry Christmas! No more of that "Happy Holidays" BS. And to my Jewish friends, Happy Hanukkah! That pretty much covers the holidays which count this time of year. If that offends some, please try and deal with it. Christmas has been a national holiday since 1870. Even though Barack Obama tried to tell us we are no longer a Christian nation, we are. And saying Merry Christmas this time of year is more than just okay - it is wonderful!

Some celebrate a secular Christmas (or a "Santa Clause" Christmas), and others celebrate a faith based Christmas. For those in the faith, know the real reason for Christmas. It is the day of Emmanuel - God is with us. It was a day God came to Earth, to give hope to ALL mankind. For that reason alone, saying Merry Christmas to others is just fine. 

Donald Trump is big (or should I say "Yuge"), on saying Merry Christmas. And he should be. Even though some politicians would like us to take God out of the equation of how our country is run, history tells another story. Most of the Founders were believers. They wanted to make sure our founding documents contained our Judeo-Christian beliefs.

This year more than ever, we should all feel free to tell others to have a Merry Christmas. And why not? What a season of joy! Every year, no matter how challenging the year has been, when December comes, and Christmas starts to show up in decorations, baking, presents, or whatever, wishing others a Merry Christmas, just feels right! 

Living in a free country, we are free to wish anyone at anytime, the most joyous news of all. Jesus is born! God is with us! We are hopeless no more! If that is not good news, I don't know what is! And now we have a President who feels the same way! Merry Christmas all!  

1 comment:

  1. I send warm wishes for a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!
