Friday, December 20, 2019

The cat fight last night...

"I think we should lock Warren and Pete in a room and let this cat fight play itself out. No scratching, no screaming, no pulling of hair. Everything else is fair game." 

Don't ask me why. Maybe I am just a gluten for punishment. But last night, I watched the Democrat debate on PBS. For a change, the stage did not look like Grand Central Station, as only seven of the current hoard either qualified, or decided to participate. For some reason which escapes me, our own hot dish queen was one who decided to participate.

Now that we are getting closer to November 2020, the gloves are starting to come off a bit. In fact, the big argument last night, was money. Not who had the most - who had the least. Needless to say, this was an uncomfortable part of the debate for Tom Steyer, who bought his way onto the debate state. Since he is worth over a billion dollars (don't ask me how), he was like a church mouse during most of that discussion.

But Mayor Pete was front and center of it. He and this fundraiser at some kind of wine cave. The fundraiser was for the fat cats - the big cigars with deep, deep pockets. This is an annual discomfort for the Democrats. Big money is supposed to belong only to those Republicans - not the Democrats - the party of the little people. 

But Liz Warren got wind of this wine cave event, and confronted the boy mayor. Then the cat fight was game on. Barbs and accusations were flying every which way. Big money, bad - small donations, good. Billionaires, Millionaires, bad - paupers, good. Besides for that, not much of interest was discussed. In fact, I dozed off once or twice. What was discussed on plans to fix healthcare? Nothing, except the unworkable Medicare for All plan. Plus, most want to legalize all our illegal aliens. Same stuff, different debate. Yawn...

I think we should lock Warren and Pete in a room, and let this cat fight play itself out. No scratching, no screaming, no pulling of hair. Everything else is fair game. I mean, if Pete wants to go to a wine cave and sip wine, let him. Most guys prefer going to a man cave for a brew, but that is a discussion for another day.

Tonight, there are no new shows on. No impeachment drama. No Democrat debates on. I might have to continue to catch up on old Star Wars movies so I can be up to speed when I see the new one next week. Now that is a plan, I like even more than visiting a wine cave.   

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