Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Not one damn penny!

"As far as the citizens are concerned - we are done. We could have had Jeff Johnson who would have gone into the gears of government and fixed this mess. But no - the socialists wanted a socialist."

Every now and again, something really gets under the Bird's skin. This DHS thing is something which is so fantastic, it is almost beyond belief. It is one thing for this very expensive organization to be ripping of the citizens for years, but the frosting on the cake is the beyond caviler attitude, our Governor has shown about this entire mess.

Here is the part which is the most disturbing. Taxing Timmy Walz thinks our state is under taxed and we need to collect more taxes. No mention on how we are going to reign in DHS and re-capture millions of wasted dollars there. In the minds of Walz and the socialists, to do so, would be sacrosanct.

And here is the ultimate of brazenness concerning the issue. Not only has DHS ripped off this state for years, and given money to grifters, terrorists, and bums - the counties are now getting a bill for the all the money which has been squandered. Meanwhile, the "cop on the street", Carolyn Ham, gets off with not even a slap on the wrist.

If this issue does not piss you off to the max, you might need another cup of coffee to wake up. This is government theft at its worse. Ladies and gentlemen, DHS receives a tad over 30% of our state budget. It is the second biggest department in our state. It is bad enough that education which gets over 40%, continues to put out a substandard product, but DHS wastes money like crazy. Think about that - between education and DHS, almost 3 out of 4 dollars this state spends is spent unwisely - or just plain wasted.

Next year when our deep pocketed Governor comes a calling for more money, here is the answer. First off, concerning your request for even a penny more taxes - "HELL NO!" Then, we want a rebate for OUR money which has been wasted for years. We don't care which of the bloated agencies need to be cut - WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK! It is crap like this which led to the Boston Tea Party in the beginning. When taxpayers feel used, they rebel.

Not one damn penny Walz. If some of your socialist followers feel differently, they can pay for your folly. As far as the citizens are concerned - we are done. We could have had Jeff Johnson who would have gone into the gears of government and fixed this mess. But no - the socialists wanted a socialist. Now we have Walz, and we have a first class mess.   

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