Thursday, January 28, 2021

A phony then, a phony now

"We need something to stop the Three Stooges of Biden, Harris and Kerry. Ideally, we would like to have a 'lion like' House. The kind of House the Founders envisioned."

Ted Cruz really took off after the elitist John Kerry yesterday. When it comes to targets, you cannot find a bigger target than Kerry is. He has hypocrisy, dripping every inch off of his Ivy League body. Seems this haughty "has been", decided to chide hard working blue color workers, who go down in the mines every day, to get this country the coal it still needs. Kerry said these hard working folks in West Virginia (as well as other coal states), made a "bad choice" to do this for a living. What an amazing turd! 

Senator Cruz called this centimillionaire out on the Senate floor. This former hack who helped screw up the Iran deal, was ripped up one side and down the other by Senator Cruz. You see, here is the problem with John Kerry. Putting him in charge of climate issues, is like putting an arsonist in charge of the fire department. He has a gargantuan house, numerous luxury cars, and a private jet. And he wants to lecture us for our carbon footprints. Like I said - what an amazing turd.

Right now, due to executive fiat, we have a dementia laden old man, with a avowed socialist as his Veep, and a climate hypocrite as this climate czar - dismantling our country, brick by brick. And because the socialists control all three levers of government, there is nothing we can do about it. Or is there?

My morning musings after I saw a bit of the morning news. West Virginia is being hammered by these executive orders and executive actions. West Virginia, who has 30,000 citizens employed by the coal industry. West Virginia, who's coal industry represents a $3,5B impact to its economy. West Virginia, who has one of the most conservative Democrats in the Senate. That be Joe Manchin. 

If we could get Manchin to switch parties right now, it would change EVERYTHING. If the Senate Republicans could remain united on important issues, we could STOP some of this nonsense coming out of the White House. I mean, most of us remember when Arlen Spector switched parties years ago, and became a Senate Democrat. If it happened once, it can happen again.

We need something to stop the Three Stooges of Biden, Harris and Kerry. Ideally, we would like to have a "lion like" House. The kind of House the Founders envisioned. Giving up on that pipe dream. A one vote majority in the Senate is the best we can hope for right now. Help us Obe-Wan Kenobi (Joe Manchin) - only you can save us now!

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