Thursday, January 21, 2021

Full of fear and favor

"Don't forget about his biggest debt of all - China. We will soon see how he pays that one off. Meanwhile, down here in Whosville, we are watching all the good things President Trump do for this country, dismantled brick by brick."

Here it is folks. The day most patriots have been dreading. The first full day of Slo Joe at the helm of our great nation. We have instantly gone from a man of great courage, huge balls some would say, to a nothing burger, full of fear and favor. Our great nation is now in the hands of a fearful careerist, who is owned by everyone except the taxpayers. He is truly a man of fear and favor. It will not take long for many of those who voted for Biden, to realize they got a pig in a poke. We truly did owe our nation, owe ourselves - better than what we just got.

Yesterday, Slo Joe signed 17 executive orders. Why not wait for Congress? After all, they are in session, and the Democrats control both chambers. Because, Slo Joe has debts to pay. Remember - he is owned.

Take for example his debt to the Muslims. One of his executive orders was to lift the ban on air travel from Muslim countries. Ps - Slo Joe is also not very bright. The "ban on Muslim countries", was really a ban on countries with broken governments. Why? We needed some valid background info on folks who travel here, or would like to immigrate here. Many broken governments don't have good records. And since most Muslim countries are theocracies (broken governments), Muslim countries made up most of the banned countries. By Slo Joe signing that order, he instantly put this country at risk. But his debt was paid.

Then there was the executive order on immigration. Another debt. Get rid of the southern border wall, soften up immigration requirements, more free stuff for illegals. Blah, blah, blah. Why should Slo Joe care if the country is now at greater risk? If more illegals commit murder and mayhem on innocent people? Just collateral damage in his book. As long as the debt is paid, it is all worth it. Remember - this President is owned.

How about banning the Keystone Pipeline? Now that one was a whopper. A real knee slapper. Who cares if it will cost 40,000 US and Canadian jobs? Who cares if it will make the transport of Canadian tar sand oil cheaper and safer? Joe does not give a rip about your money nor mine. He does not give a rip about the price of gas. He does not care if we are energy independent. Why? He does not work. Never has. Just sucks off the teat of government. But who cares? His debt to the "greenies" is now partially paid.

Don't forget about his biggest debt of all - China. We will soon see how he pays that one off. Meanwhile, down here in Whosville, we are watching all the good things President Trump do for this country, dismantled brick by brick. Buyer's remorse yet, those who voted for Slo Joe? Unless you are a yellow dog, you will have it soon. You will see just what a great President Donald Trump was. But now he is gone, and we are stuck with an empty suit, serving everyone - but us.

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