Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Least they ever forget...

"But remember - during the past four years, President Trump has trained us well. It might be up to us now. Just like America survived after George Washington, we need to survive after Donald Trump."

The left. Most (probably all) of us could never imagine living on that side of the street. But even though we could never join them, that does not mean we don't understand them. Yes, we know exactly how they tick. We know what they want. Plus, we know how they feel about us. That being said, the left has no clue into what floats our boat. What is important to us. To them, we are just Troglodytes. Neanderthals. Selfish idiots. 

I am bemused by this, to say the least. How can you take two groups of people, teach them true American history, real civics, and have them coming away with such divergent viewpoints? Such different world views? That led me to do some deeper thinking this morning.

Shortly after Obama was immaculated in 2008, he had a visit from his vanquished foe - John McCain. McCain had congratulated Obama many times for his impressive win. But now it was time to move on, and work as a team for America. McCain had a pet rock issue, which was not controversial. As a senior Senator, he thought he would do his part to "reach across the aisle". You know, get this new President's buy in.

Obama heard McCain out and then shook his head. "Nope". McCain was perplexed and continued to attempt to explain to Obama why this would be good for both parties. "No", Obama said again. Why McCain asked why, Obama tipped his hand on how he was really made. "Because I won, and you lost." BINGO! That is how the left really thinks. Winning, and thereby controlling, is paramount. Everything else is fluff.

The news feeds are replete this morning with stories warning about social (maybe armed) unrest on inauguration day. Really? Supposedly the Republican Party in the sleepy and very nice town of Hudson, Wisconsin, are "preparing for war". Really? I know the Mayor of Hudson, and have never heard anything remotely close to that cradle of crap.

But here is the truth. And may the left never forget this most important truth. This nation was founded on the desire for liberty while living under tyranny. They are not compatible. One or the other. Ever since we fought for, and won our freedom from the British Empire, the patriots in this country have had an unquenchable thirst for liberty. And a burning hatred for tyranny. If America ever feels like it is coming under tyrannical control again, all hell could break loose.

There is nothing wrong with the patriots in this country. No, they don't need to go into a "re-education camp" like the left's BFF, China, does to the Uyghurs. First get rid of the First Amendment, then the Second, and then get the thinking of the patriots "fixed", so they can be part of the left's group think. 

As much as most of us would like to see Donald Trump stick around for another term, we need to come to grips with the fact that he might not. We might only have another week left of this wonderful President.

But remember - during the past four years, President Trump has trained us well. It might be up to us now. Just like America survived after George Washington, we need to survive after Donald Trump.  



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