Thursday, January 14, 2021

The second what? ...{Yawn}...

"Can we get through the next four years without going to war with each other? I sure hope so. Will our side just acquiesce, roll over, and play dead like RINOs have in the past? Absolutely not! Where does that leave us? Time will tell. I do know this - this December, we will be a much different country than we are now. Count on it." 

Of all the things which happened yesterday, absolutely, positively, the most unimportant, irreverent thing which happened, was the second impeachment of this fine President. He was taken out, whipped and punished, for doing what? Nothing. This second impeachment had the same validity of the first - which was nada. How did I feel? I loved it. Trump did not care. He knew it was a charade. Many red pill takers also know the truth. And the truth is, many Democrats and the 10 Republicans who voted for this mess just committed some degree of political suicide. The harm they did to themselves, we could have never done. 

Here is a newsflash for the snowflakes on the left. Donald Trump can leave town with his head held high. He did EXACTLY what he came here for. First, using MAGA, he got this economy purring, and then roaring again. He was able to show the world exactly what capitalism done right looks like.

Secondly, and more important, he woke up the patriots and conservative class. It took their fire from a steady flame to white hot. Donald Trump may leave on January 21st, but in his wake, he is leaving 75 to 80 million patriots, who will NEVER accept tyranny or socialism. Never, ever!

What do we think of Biden? Not much. He is a nothing burger. The socialists who back him however, now that is a different subject. We must beat them to a pulp - not physically, but intellectually, on the battlefield of ideas. Here is the problem - if it is a problem. The socialists also know that our numbers are legions. We are on fire, we are pissed, and we are resolute. And they think we can be re-engineered? Or deprogrammed? Or changed? No way, Jose. If the socialists only try to implement a fraction of what they promised, the temperature is going to be in the red hot area. Like - blazing hot.

I had kind of a chuckle this morning. One new Republican, wants to introduce articles of impeachment on Biden as early as January 21st. Where in the world did that idea come from? Hello mirror! How is this going to feel, socialists? Your guy now will be the center of attention. If he were squeaky clean, we could still make his life hell. But Slo Joe is the head of his crime family. There is a TON of stuff to look at. Not made up stuff, like with Donald Trump. This is real sticky, icky, gooey filth. In a perversion type of way, this is going to be fun. Four years ago, we would not have had a clue on what to do. But we have paid close attention these past four years. Like I say, this is going to be fun.

Can we get through the next four years without going to war with each other? I sure hope so. Will our side just acquiesce, roll over, and play dead like RINOs have in the past? Absolutely not! Where does that leave us? Time will tell. I do know this - this December, we will be a much different country than we are now. Count on it. 

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