Friday, January 15, 2021

Et tu, Minnesota?

"It is up to us folks. The help which is coming is found in the mirror. During the next two years, the Republic really does hang in the balance." 

Okay. Time to get up, brush ourselves off, and prepare. Prepare for what? For many things, the most important being to fix and/or expose the voter fraud in this country. We all know it was there. We all know this election was stolen from us. Most importantly, we know that if we don't expose this and/or fix it, it will happen again in 2022. In 2024. And beyond.

If you think MN escaped this mess - think again. We did not. There is a video circulating which addresses what happened to Minnesota this past November. And it ain't pretty. The representative who is in the video, explaining what happened, is not a stranger to most of us. He is a true Knight of the Round Table in the Minnesota House. Yes, I am talking about Steve Drazkowski. He has gone after Omar in the past, loaded with facts. He has helped expose her, who and what she is. In most normal states, that would have been enough to have her bounced out and/or doing the perp walk. In Cedar Riverside, - she is a hero.

Anyhow, this time the villain in the crosshairs is Steve Simon, our SOS. What he and our "AG" did this past year, was change our voting system without the consent of the legislature. So what, some might ask. Here is the "so what". Without the statutory blessing of the legislature, which would have resulted in a change to our state constitution and voting laws, our election in November was a sham. Just like many other states, we might have had a different result without the cheating. Like, President Trump, term # 2, Senator Lewis, Representative Qualls, and so forth. But now we will never know. Because of our SOS and AG.

The Democrats have highly miscalculated us. They did not defeat us in November - they only filled us with an angry resolve. We have 75 to 85 million Trump supporters who just came away from the blackjack table, knowing the deck which was used to defeat us - was rigged. Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, the blame is on us. We won't be fooled again.

Nationwide, our voting system is a mess. We need voter ID in every state. Mail in ballots, unless absentee, need to go bye-bye. We need honest tellers overseeing the counting process. Paper trails, no internet connection with the machines, no overseas terminals. My prediction is very simple. Even though we could not find the "smoking gun" prior to the end of President Trump's term, it will be found. When the guilty parties are identified (and hopefully punished), the red wave in 2022 will become many feet higher.

Grass roots folks, grass roots. Voting integrity needs to be thing one, thing two and so forth in BPOU meetings. Politically, I see NOTHING which is more important. We can have the best candidates in the world, with the most compelling message - and if the deck is stack or marked, it won't matter. 

It is up to us folks. The help which is coming is found in the mirror. During the next two years, the Republic really does hang in the balance. 

1 comment:

  1. The evidence is readily available, but could not get heard in court. Always dismissed on a technicality but that cannot continue. Democrats used the courts rather than the legislature. Time for us to do the same.
