Monday, July 5, 2021

And then there is - Chicago

"Remember this Chicago. When you vote for sketchy candidates, you get sketchy government. You got the government you deserved Chicago. If you want to change it, vote for better candidates."

I am sure that most reading this article, have been to Chicago at least once in their lives. The bustling city which at one time went by the name "Second City". I have been to Chicago - often. Can't say I like the traffic however - either driving on I-90, or landing at O'Hare. I have repressed memories of being in major backups on both I-90, and the tarmac at O'Hare. However - once you are (or were) in town, Chicago is (or was) a neat city. Great food, interesting places to go. But that was then, and this is now.

But hold the phone! Before I go into yet another rant on how lawless Chicago is now, did it used to be peaceful? Not so crime ridden? At any time? Let's look back on this history of Chicago as well as its home state of Illinois to see some notables:

  • William Carothers - Chicago Alderman
  • Isaac Carothers - Chicago Alderman (son of the above)
  • Daniel Rostenkowski - Congressman from Illinois (Chicago area)
  • Dan Walker - Illinois Governor
  • Otto Kerner - Illinois Governor
  • Fred Roti - Chicago Alderman
  • George Ryan - Illinois Governor
  • Rod Blagojevich - Illinois Governor
  • Mel Reynolds - Congressman from Illinois
What do all of the above have in common? Crooked. Got caught with their "hand in the cookie jar" - so to speak. Some were fined, some did time, some did both. This is a "who is who" of corruption. So when did all of this start? Ever watch The Untouchables on TV?

During prohibition, Chicago was the place to be. Speakeasys were a great place to go to grab a drink. The Chicago Outfit, the gang which controlled most of Chicago, had a nationwide reputation. Al Capone, and Frank Nitti ran booze into Chicago and then served it though the network of the Speakeasys the Chicago Outfit operated. This particularly tough gang of thugs, became front and center, the most important thing that Elliot Ness and his group of Untouchables focused on. Yes, Chicago during prohibition was truly the wild, wild west (in the Midwest).

But how is Chicago today? Really, how is it? It is so crime ridden, that someone set up a web site called Hey Jackass! It has nothing but crime stats (up to the minute), of the shootings and murders in Chicago. Under the watchful eye of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, crime in Chicago now makes the Al Capone era look like a Sunday School picnic. What is Mayor Lightfoot doing to help stem this tide of senseless black on black killings in Chicago? She is going after the cops, to further neuter their powers to do law enforcement. Atta girl Lori! Well played!

The once great city of Chicago now has the same dire reputation as the once great city of Detroit. Two model cities, now cesspools of crime, poverty, and desperation. Why? I will give you a hint. Socialism. The Democrat Party, which at one time had a shred of respect for law enforcement, has been coopted by the socialists. 

Remember this Chicago. When you vote for sketchy candidates, you get sketchy government. You got the government you deserved Chicago. If you want to change it, vote for better candidates. In fact, maybe quit being so blue and try being purple or even red for a change. Just a thought... 


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