Saturday, July 24, 2021

Sheriffs of America, unite!

"Remember folks - the government works for us, not visa versa. One we start looking at the government as our overlords, we are in tyranny. That is just what our Founders warned us about." 

This morning on the news, a sheriff from one of the border states was being interviewed. He is one of many sheriffs who have been on the news of late, most of which have jurisdiction on or by, our southern border. Each sheriff has said something very similar, if not the same. Ever since this new administration has taken over, and destroyed our southern border security, all hell is breaking loose. But the sheriff this morning put it in much clearer terms. This is not a southern border issue. This is not a border state issue. This is a United States security issue.

Before some might say, "that is your problem down south - deal with it", consider this. AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE, illegals are being gathered up by the Biden Administration, and bussed all over the country. Mostly (get ready for this), to swing states. This plan is so transparent (the only thing which is transparent about this administration), it would be comical, if not so serious. Since we have illegals being shipped all over the country right now, just about every county is vulnerable to this unwanted intrusion. And as we know, most counties, have a sheriff.

We are getting played folks. Big time played. Joe Biden is trying to wreck our voting system by flooding the zone with illegals. Illegals who overwhelmingly vote blue. We have slightly over 3,000 sheriffs in the United States. They all have taken the oath to protect and defend our Constitution. Our current federal government seems to have forgotten that oath.

We need to have our sheriffs band together, and ensure this invasion of illegals, stops. Illegals should be found, detained, and then sent back home. I know, I know. This is the federal government's job. But the little bald Cuban who is currently heading up the DHS (and responsible for doing this), is remiss in his duties. Bigly remiss.

Each day, when I turn on the news, I hear horror stories about run away crime in our big cities. Either that, or the invasion of illegals coming over our southern border. Both of this issues right now, are ruining the country. What is the President doing? Eating ice cream cones, while trying to get massive tax increases passed through Congress. Crime and illegal immigration? Nada. 

This entire Administration is corrupt to the core. As well as many in Congress. Having our country invaded through illegal immigration, is no different than our country being invaded by a foreign power - and then doing nothing. 

If our Constitutional sheriffs cannot protect us, we might as well get the white flags out. Either that, or fall back on the original intent of our Bill of Rights. It really is time for people to wake up and get angry. No - get way beyond angry. We will have over 2 million more illegals in this country by year's end. Not to mention the additional deadly drugs, and child sex traffickers running amuck in our streets. This may be okay with Biden, but it is not with the rest of us.

Remember folks - the government works for us, not visa versa. One we start looking at the government as our overlords, we are in tyranny. That is just what our Founders warned us about. Our sheriffs need to help us maintain, and retain, our Constitutional republic.



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