Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Insurrection!! (or was it?)


"Will the guilty ever be brought to trial by this administration? Nope. Whomever did the burning looting and assaulting last summer, got a free pass." 

Since the now infamous January 6th "insurrection" was in the news (again) yesterday, my interest got peaked. According to the Democrats, the event at the Capitol on January 6th was the worst thing since Pearl Harbor. Maybe even worse than that. Certainly worse than 9/11. Again, that is according to the Democrats (most of which don't know a dit from a DUH). 

Since I had some extra time to burn this morning, I looked up the definition of "insurrection". Yes! Reading the definition, it did fit the event! Totally! Not the January 6th event, when a bunch of grandparents went into the House chambers to get some audience time with their Representatives (who were not listening to them). Mostly, January 6th was a stunt, born out of frustration of the Democrats in power. No, the real insurrection came immediately after the George Floyd incident. When the rule of law went flying out the window of most big, blue cities. Today, civil disobedience has a new nick name. It is call the "Minneapolis Effect".

Please don't get me wrong. What happened at the Capitol on January 6th was beyond the pale. Bigly. But mostly harmless. That being said, the Democrats are making that event out to be worse than being hit by an asteroid. There was however, someone who was shot and killed. A protester, shot by an unknown cop. A cop (unlike Chauvin), who got away with murder on January 6th. Imagine if that happened down in the hood. If some BIPOC resident, was shot in the face by an unknown cop. What little is left unburned in Minneapolis, would have gone up in flames over that one.

No, the real insurrection happened last summer, right after the Floyd incident. 1/2 billion dollars of damage. Looting. Assault on law enforcement. A few random murders. How about when the misfits were firing rounds into the Third Precinct building, before it was torched (arson, by the same misfits)? Is that not true insurrection? According to the definitions I read this morning, it was. Yet, the Democrats and their lap dog media, say nary a thing. Nada. But Ms. Nancy wants yet another commission to study what happened on January 6th. Do you really really want to know Ms. Nancy, what caused January 6th? Look in the mirror. That was the cause.

Obama started it, and now the socialists under the tutelage of Slo Joe are finishing it. Rule of law? Forget about it! The cities are now the wild, wild west. We are a racist country (according to Biden), and we deserve exactly what we are getting. Will the guilty ever be brought to trial by this administration? Nope. Whomever did the burning looting and assaulting last summer, got and still get, a free pass. 

Insurrection? No problem. Have at it. Just leave our precious government alone. Everything else is fair game. 


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