Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Sad, mad and anger management

"Some of my liberal friends are going to get mad at me for writing this about Democrats. So let me use this disclaimer. These are my perceptions. They may also be the perceptions of others."

When I was stationed up in northern Maine in 1972, a big election was coming up. Well, it was big for me, as it was the first time I was legal (age wise) to vote. Richard Nixon was running for re-election against George McGovern. One fellow, who was in the in section in which I worked, was from Delaware. He was very excited about this young buck running for Senate in Delaware named Joseph Biden. Plus, he REALLY like George McGovern for President. Actually, Harry hated Dick Nixon just about as much as Democrats hate Donald Trump today.

This was a big choice for me, being my first voting experience and all. I listened to the campaign ads. I read the positions of the two men running. Slowly, yet surely, it started to sink in. McGovern was a nut ball. His platforms (for the time), were very radical - too radical. Nixon on the other hand, although unlikable, had the country on a good course. He was experienced. So I had made up my mind to pull the lever for Nixon.

A couple days later, Harry came up to me in the work spaces and asked if I would like a McGovern pin to wear when I was off base. I told him no. I decided to vote for Nixon. He turned red (seriously), and started to swear at me (which he had never done before). He called me unmentionable names, and said he would not speak to me ever again. To this date, those were true words.

Many of the Democrats I have known in my life have been sad, mad, or needed anger management. Keith Ellison and John Thompson are prime examples. My question is this - why do they get so angry all the time? It is like joy has been wrung out of their lives. And when they are not mad, they are sad.

Democrats always use the word "fight" in their lexicon. I will fight for this, I will fight for that, or whatever. Hearing about, and reading some of the police reports on John Thompson's alleged domestic abuse was jaw dropping. He was way, way beyond anger. Same with Ellison on his alleged abuse. If they were Republicans with that kind of rap sheet behind them, they would have never make it to the starting gate. For Democrats - it is almost a badge of honor to be a baddie sometime in your life.

I know, I know. Some of my liberal friends are going to get mad at me for writing this about Democrats. So let me use this disclaimer. These are my perceptions. They may also be the perceptions of others.

Hubert Humphrey was nicknamed the "Happy Warrior". We don't have many (or any) like him any more on the DFL or DNC. We have angry and mad people like Ellison, Thompson, Beto and Booker. Don't think so? Change my mind.


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