Friday, July 30, 2021

Rude and Crude

"What ever happened to that famous quote by Voltaire - 'I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.' Wait a minute! That almost sounds like it is the genesis of our First Amendment!"

"You're a moron!", spoken by Ms. Nancy to House Minority Leader McCarthy. "You're a liar!", a social media "friend" said to me after I made a mistake. "You're a dip s**t!", said one person on social media to another. My, oh my. What ever happened to that famous quote by Voltaire - "I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Wait a minute! That almost sounds like it was the genesis of our First Amendment! Where unpopular speech is the most important to protect. It is what separates us from totalitarian societies. Separates us from tyranny.

One of the lessons we should have learned in our growing up, is we can disagree without being disagreeable. I have many friends who are left of me (even some on the right), who I disagree with from time to time. Most of them (not all) and I can have a discussion/disagreement without getting down and dirty. Without getting personal. As rare as it is for me to unfriend someone, I will do it for rude and crude behavior on their posts which appear on my threads.

Rush would always tell us when the other side resorts to name calling, you have won the argument. Even more important than that, are some truisms we learned in our growing up years. Like, "Using bad language, rude and crude language, makes one look uneducated." True that. It is okay to disagree. It is okay to call someone (like a politician) out for a position which does not make sense, or is harmful (like Biden's border crossing).

Before I go any further, and some accuse me of being a hypocrite, let me first confess. I fall off the the wagon on occasion. Not as much as I once did when I was younger. But sometimes I use language which is not as civil as it could be. To that I plead guilty. I am still a work in progress. For my friends in the faith, I still struggle with my James 3 tongue. And it is a struggle at times!

That being said, onward and upward. I have already deleted three of my lengthy threads from earlier in the week, as tempers were growing short, and some of the language was become borderline awful.

With all this being said, will I stop being a social critic? Being a critic of what Biden is doing to this country? Not a chance. The fate of the Republic hangs in the balance right now, and it is hard to keep my passion out of my posts. If I step over the line, please feel free to call me on it. And I will do the same to others, if need be. 

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