Sunday, October 1, 2023

Kevin on the brink, the GOP starting to sink.

"Do a CR which will take the government out to September 31, 2024. Focus on GFY 25, as GFY 24 is lost. There is an old saying, when you find yourself driving in a ditch and can't get out - stop driving."

Yesterday was a bad day to be a Republican. It was an exhibit once again, how much the red team has forgotten how to govern. All this time which has elapsed since Speaker Kevin took the gavel, has been for naught. Everybody on both sides of the aisle knew that the appropriation bills had not been done as yet. Since they were not done, the choices ended up being two very bad choices: 1) Do yet ANOTHER CR, or 2) Shut down the government (never a winner). 

On a Sunday morning, dare I be the voice of doom and gloom?  The CR which was signed was for only 45 days. That will be nothing more than a heartbeat this time of year. The trap by the blue team, has once again been set. I have seen this movie before, as well as the last one. Come 15 November, the twelve appropriation bills will not yet be sent over to the Senate. And then what? Choice One: Do another CR to take the government into the new year, or Choice Two: Shut the government down. I can already hear the caterwauling. "By shutting down the government, Keven McCarthy is playing scrooge to children who will not get Christmas presents!" 

Get the picture? The Republicans are once again in a box canyon. No way out. With only a four-seat majority, the Democrats are playing them like a fine violin. It is obvious that Kevin cannot control this herd of cats. Then who can? Absolutely nobody. Why? The die has been set. The trap is all but certain. I can see the handwriting on the wall.

Is there any way out? I know - this will be like cats mating with dogs. Kevin and Matt Ganz need to kiss and make up. Why? Palance intrigue never works well for anybody. And then (please, no hate mail), suck it up buttercup. Do a CR which will take the government out to September 31, 2024. Focus on GFY 25, as GFY 24 is lost. There is an old saying, when you find yourself driving in a ditch and can't get out - stop driving. I know this is a bitter pill to swallow, but the red team has earned it.

After all this bad news, maybe a bit of humor. Megan Markle, the oddball who married into the royal family, is rumored to be highly interested in Feinstein senate seat. No - that is not from the Bee. When I told that to my wife this morning, she said, "But she has no experience!" I responded with one word - Fetterman. And that was the end of that discussion.       

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