Saturday, October 14, 2023

What happens next in Israel?

"Israel does not need any lectures from any of the Pajama Boys in our government about how mean we are to the citizens of Gaza. Compared to the decapitation of infants (like the terrorists did to Israeli infants), the IDF has handled Gaza with kid gloves."    

I know. I know. The United States is not going to get involved in this war. Really? Do you want me to draw out a scenario where we would? Actually, I am surprised that it has not happened as yet. Grateful, but also surprised. It would not involve Hamas. They are soon going to be toast. But it would involve the other side of the house - Hezbollah. And it has to do with their (reportedly) 150,000 missiles.

It is no secret that Hamas had figured out how to overwhelm Israel's Iron Dome with enough missile saturation. Saturation and dummy missiles did the trick. But the missiles that Hamas has (although improved from past incursions), are child's play compared to the missiles that Hezbollah has. And if the reporting is true, Hezbollah has about 150,000 of much more sophisticated missiles. Those could overwhelm the Iron Dome so much and so fast, it would leave much of Israel defenseless. Then what?

(My opinion) - There is a reason why we moved our "Big Stick" (USS Ford) over to the Eastern Med. And why the USS Eisenhower is on the way to join her. If Hezbollah joins the fray, and/or Iran also joins in, Israel is going to need help. Specifically in countering the missile threat. I don't know for sure how many of our Aegis Class Destroyers are in the strike team(s), but I imagine it is an adequate number. 

Lebanon and Syria also pose an immediate threat. Should Hezbollah start launching rockets out of Lebanon, and the United States needed to launch planes from one or both of our carriers to take out the launchers, would that expand the war? Would that bring in Iran? We might end up with the choice of seeing Israel get very bloodied, or helping them. Helping them at the cost of a regional war. 

What will be happening in Gaza is going to be gut wrenching. This is an area which has had years to prepare for such an event. It will be full of booby traps and "kill zones". The underground tunnels are rumored to be in the hundreds of miles, and some go down 100 feet deep. If that is where the hostages are being kept, this might be mission impossible to retrieve them alive. No matter how skilled our special operators and "tunnel rats" are, this might be a bridge too far.

One more thing. It was reported on the news, that so far, the IDF has lost over 200 soldiers. And that is before the real hard stuff (going into Gaza) starts. Why bring this up? Our nation is over ten times bigger in population than Israel is. For Israel to lose 200 soldiers would be like us to lose 2,000 soldiers in one battle. That would be almost like how many soldiers and sailors we lost in the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. I shudder to think how many IDF members could be lost in the upcoming weeks.

May God bless and protect Israel. May God direct our nation on how to be a friend and ally to Israel in the upcoming weeks. Israel does not need any lectures from any of the Pajama Boys in our government about how mean we are to the citizens of Gaza. Compared to the decapitation of infants (like the terrorists did to Israeli infants), the IDF has handled Gaza with kid gloves.    


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