Friday, October 13, 2023

Maybe Kevin, once again?

"Here is my solution. No, I am not happy with the fact we have a CR right now, and Kevin agreed to it. That being said, Kevin is deep in experience, and knows the lay of the land in the Middle East. He understands Israel and knows the leadership over there."

This is not a good look for the red team. Not even close. This morning on the news, it was reported that Steve Scalice had bowed out of the Speaker race. He knew with only a 5-seat majority, he would never get the votes to succeed. Did Scalice want the job? Sure - he would have taken it. So would have Jim Jordan. But unless something changes, Jordan would not be able to muster the votes either. Now there is talk of maybe selecting a Democrat. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!

Yesterday, I had a weekly meeting with some older guys from my church. One is a former pastor. All are deep in the faith. The subject of the Israeli war came up. One of the guys asked if anyone thought we were approaching the "end times". All but one thought we were. Why bring this up? Whatever is happening in Israel is very serious stuff. It might spread. The United States could get dragged into something much bigger, sooner rather than later. This is not a good time to be without a functioning House of Representatives.

Here is my solution. No, I am not happy with the fact we have a CR right now, and Kevin agreed to it. That being said, Kevin is deep in experience, and knows the lay of the land in the Middle East. He understands Israel and knows the leadership over there. Have the eight Republican votes against Kevin, put them in a room, and talk some sense into them. I am not saying that their position was wrong - on the contrary, I agree with them. But this is a much bigger issue. WE NEED A FUNCTIONING HOUSE!

We need to have Kevin McCarthy back as Speaker, and we need it done today. The Republicans already have a black eye on how they mucked this Speaker vote up, but nobody can change that. We can, however, fix the future. And we can do that by electing a Speaker of the House forthwith. And that Speaker should be Kevin McCarthy.  


1 comment:

  1. What I do not understand is why McCarthy was ousted in the first place? The CR included, as I understand it, budget cuts and huge border funding. Half a loaf, maybe, but slitting your own throat to spite your face?
