Tuesday, February 6, 2024

A symbolic spanking maybe?

"What am I saying? We are stuck with these guys until the next election. AND - should the DNC tricksters prevail once again, and we have four more years of grandpa - we will still have Garland and Mayorkas also. Are they deserving of re-election? ABSOLUTELY NOT!"

My friend and Congressman Tom Emmer was on the national news this morning. He was asked about today's BIG event. I know, I know. With all that is going on, this HUGE event got lost in the weeds. It is the impeachment vote on DHS Secretary Mayorkas. When Emmer was asked flat out, "Do you have the votes? Even with that skinny majority you have?" Tom's answer - "If everybody shows up, we should." My take? Getting enough votes might be pulling an inside straight. Possible, but not probable.

Here are the facts why nobody is getting that spun up by today's vote. Is Mayorkas guilty of not following the law, and destroying our southern border? Oh yeah. But - even if Emmer is right and there are enough votes to impeach Mayorkas, it will die in the Senate. It will end up being a "symbolic spanking". Tomorrow morning, Mayorkas would report to work like nothing had happened.

Somebody on the news the other day asked the $64,000 question. "Is not Mayorkas only a stooge who does Biden's bidding on the border?" BINGO! Biden should also be impeached for this travesty. But wait - if these are law breakers, who is the highest law officer in the land right now? AG Garland is the answer. And because he turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to this mess, he too, should be impeached. Mayorkas, Garland and Biden should all be unemployed right now. But again, the Deep State lifers in the Senate, will let these guys all skate. Even if the House impeached all three of them, it would only be a "symbolic spanking".

What am I saying? We are stuck with these guys until the next election. AND - should the DNC tricksters prevail once again, and we have four more years of grandpa - we will still have Garland and Mayorkas also. Are they deserving of re-election? ABSOLUTELY NOT! But if Trump wins, the DHS and DOJ offices will be cleaned out and fumigated. But what about the White House? Same thing, only it might need an exorcism also.

Just by what has happened to this runaway illegal invasion the past three years, I hope the voters have learned their lesson. Some who voted for Biden have, but it should be all of them. The tyrants have dealt us a severe blow the past three years - let's hope it was not a fatal blow. This November, vote for Donald Trump like our nation's life depends on it. Why? It does. 


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