Sunday, February 4, 2024

Our brotherhood of man (and woman)

"What is the meaning of life? Maybe it is as simple as just being with each other, caring for each other. I always think that God smiles down on us when we congregate with each other. Why? It is part of His greatest commandment." 

A church we once attended had a very gifted pastor. Great messaging. He often talked about how mankind is a relational creation. In other words, as the old song goes, "we are people who need people". Being a hermit is not in our nature. It is unnatural. However, being with people, being friends to people, helping people, caring for people, loving on people - that is in our nature. That is how God wired us.

Have you ever noticed how really good it feels when you run into someone you have not seen for ages, and you have a chance to visit with that person? I know for me, it not only makes my day, but also my week - maybe my month. Sharing someone's life through conversation is really a gift. Showing empathy, sympathy, pathos, or whatever you want to call it - is a good thing, a natural thing. It is something that as the expression goes, warms the cockles of your heart.

At our present church, we are in a small group. We also have the honor of leading the group. One of the things we learned long ago, is being a part of a small group, makes a big church seem like a small church. It is a chance to know and be known, serve and be served, and love and be loved. It is chance to get to know people on a more intimate level. Know about their families, their struggles, their hopes, their highs, their lows. In other words, it is a chance to ratchet up the feeling or brotherhood and/or sisterhood. It is a wonderful opportunity.

Last evening we spent some time with some good friends. It was a fun night, a night of sharing, a night of catching up, a night of laughter. Times like those are more precious than gold. Again, we are relational beings, and to be with good friends, is beyond great. Next week we will meet with some other friends we have not seen for ages. These are friends we made while in a former small church group called "Alpha". We grew very close while in that group. I can't wait.

What is the meaning of life? Maybe it is as simple as just being with each other, caring for each other. I always think that God smiles down on us when we congregate with each other. Why? It is part of His greatest commandment. 


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