Friday, February 2, 2024

Searching for the Free States of America

"Of course, the above scenario is fantasy thinking. As much as I would like to live only with freedom lovers, we are stuck living close to the gulag called Minneapolis. How different is Minneapolis from most of Texas? Like, black and white. Night and day. Good and evil." 

If this great nation does split in two, I am thinking the epicenter for the New America, better known as the Free States of America, will be Texas. What we are seeing in Texas right now, with the revolt over border protection led by Governor Greg Abott, is just an example of the fierce independence which courses through the veins of most Texans.

Texas has always been a "one off" state in the Union. A little-known fact is Texas has always had the authority to split into five separate states, if they wanted to. Just think if they did that now. Instead of having two senators, the state(s) of Texas would have ten. And what if all ten thought the same freedom loving thoughts? Republicans would have a majority in the Senate as well as the House. We could tell Biden to pound sand.

Most patriots feel the same way about our country right now. It took two tyrants, the first being Obama, and the second being Biden, to remind freedom lovers what life under King George was like. Whereas the Free States of America love the taste and smell of freedom, the people who live in the other country (the Subjected States of America), love the feel of a boot on their necks. Freedom is repugnant to them. Tyranny is comfort. Being a subject would sure beat being a citizen.

What about borders? Where the border issue is today a HUGE issue, after the split in the country, the Free States of America will have an absolute border. After all (what is that saying again?) - "A country without a border is not a country". If the Subjected States of America wants to keep their borders open - go for it, and good luck. 

Of course, the above scenario is fantasy thinking. As much as I would like to live only with freedom lovers, we are stuck living close to the gulag called Minneapolis. How different is Minneapolis from most of Texas? Like, black and white. Night and day. Good and evil. 

If necessary, could Texas hold the population of all the other freedom loving states? If everyone decided to move there? After all, the population of Texas is now over 30 million. Interesting question, as back in 2011, some organization did a study to find out how much land it would take to hold every person on Planet Earth. Guess which state they picked? Texas. Texas could hold seven billion people. It would be crowded, but Texas could hold them.

Why have so many in our present country given up on freedom? On liberty? Why do so many love the feel of tyranny these days? Good questions for another day.       



  1. Hmmm. My math says you could only put 1.4 billion people in Texas, if you confined them to four-person families in single family homes on a standard city lot. Put them in garden apartments or Chinese-style 20-story condos, and there would be plenty of room left over for a few modest ranches.

    1. The 7 billion was not my math. It was done by the ZPG organization. If 1.4 billion is the max, I can live with that!

  2. So, if all you want to do is house the population of the United States, everybody gets three fourths of an acre. Limit it to just the red states, and you can have twice that. First we would need some border control to keep out the Mexicans, Californians, and Minnesota DFLers
