Saturday, February 3, 2024

Shocked, there is no "Awe"?

"One vet who was on the news said to really get some fear and respect from the bad guys, they need to only know one thing. They spill one drop of American blood; we will avenge that act by taking buckets of blood from them."

Our "Appeaser in Chief", did it again. Chickened out. What is it with these Iranians? What kind of spell do they have over Obama, Kerry, Sulivan and Biden? Some nude pics perhaps? Maybe some salacious acts found on Hunter's laptop. What is it? Here we wait for almost a full week for our country to avenge our three dead service members, and what did we get? As one pundit said - a multimillion dollar fireworks show. Did we telegraph our first punch to the bad guys? Oh yeah, we did - live and in color. Did we hit Iran, the mother of all bad deeds? No way Jose! Those guys are off limits!

Okay Bird - you seem to have all the answers. What would you have done it you were in charge? That is an easy question. Iran is a target rich country. To hit them in the solar plexus, you can either go after a high-ranking baddie like Trump did - or infrastructure like Reagan did. Actually, Reagan did not want to mess with these guys too long, so he just sank half the Iranian Navy. Today, we should do things a bit different.

Kharg Island. Iran's major oil port. A salvo of fifty or so Tomahawk Missiles, followed up by a week or so of bombing, and Kharg island won't be able to do anything but exist. This would give a new definition to the word, "Don't".

The problem with Biden, besides being a yellow belly, is this - he set the table early in his presidency. Our retreat from Afghanistan. It was so bad, so cowardly, and so public, the entire world saw that our new president was nothing more than an empty suit. By the way, not to change to subject - did we ever avenge those thirteen brave service men and women who died at Abby Gate? No? Didn't think so. How about those thirty dead American civilians who were killed by Hamas on October 7th? No? Didn't think so. The two dead SEALS, who died trying to stop Iranian arms from coming into the bad guys? No again. 

One vet who was on the news said to really get some fear and respect from the bad guys, they need to only know one thing. They spill one drop of American blood; we will avenge that act by taking buckets of blood from them. Shock and Awe baby! We have the biggest and baddest military in the world, and we know how to use it.

One of the more curious things that Biden did since October was this - first he brought our most potent fighting ship into the area (USS Ford). The Ford sat there and did nothing but prepare. Then for some reason, Biden brought the Ford out of the area, and had nothing to replace it with. Having both the Ford and the IKE on station was a good idea. Leaving only the IKE there was a head scratcher. 

Shocked that there is no awe? Get used to it. We have another year to go of being a paper tiger. Obama was bad, and Biden is worse. On that issue, I have nothing more to say.    

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