Friday, February 9, 2024

Biden's curtian call


"Until we get a new POTUS, and quickly, we are (as we would say in the WestPac), in deep kimchee. I know, I know, We have Ms. Cackle in the on-deck circle. That is enough to scare even the bravest of souls.  But as goofy as she is, she still has her marbles. Besides, she would only be a seat warmer until Trump can be sworn in next January." 

Oh Joe. Did you never learn one of the toughest lessons of life? There are two things we cannot escape - growing old and death. Some go gently into the night, after living a long life of health and clarity. However, many do not. Age ravages them. And many times, it is not pretty, as age affects the memory. Sometimes in horrible diseases such as Alzheimer's or Dementia. In the case of Joe Biden (as one Democrat pundit put it), Joe has lost his "fast ball". In the eyes of others (as the economists say), Joe's memory is decreasing at an increasing rate.

The Hur Report broke yesterday. Biden and Trump had both been investigated for the same thing - improper storage of classified material out of SCIF. Biden's material was stored in broken down boxes, among junk in his garage. Some material came from his presidency, some from when he was a Veep (illegal), and maybe some from when he was a senator (more illegal). But in any event, Special Counsel Hur decided not to charge Joe Biden. Huh? Seems Mr. Hur thinks Biden is an "elderly man with a poor memory". WOW! BOMBSHELL!

Then for reasons no human being can understand, Joe decides to have a presser right after the release of this report which showed him to be failing. Joe wanted to prove to the public he was indeed alright. Instead, it became a curtain call to the report. It showed Joe live and in color, forgetting very important things. How so? Like President el-Sisi of Egypt. Joe thought he was the President of Mexico. He forgot the church where Bo's funeral was. It was a disaster. Rather than dispelling any doubt the Hur Report had on his presidency, it might have instead marked the beginning of the end of his presidency. It has put the Democrats in a heck of a pickle.

Here are the facts. Joe Biden is 81. It is not unusual for the gears to start slipping in folks that age. It happens. But here is the reality. Joe is impaired, and also the leader of the free world. Those two items mix together like oil and water. We need a president who is lucid 24 X 7, not just occasionally. To have someone with a Dementia type disability leading our nation is really a clear and present danger to all of us. It is like flying in a plane who has a pilot who dozes off.

Until we get a new POTUS, and quickly, we are (as we would say in the WestPac), in "deep kimchee". I know, I know, We have Ms. Cackle in the on-deck circle. That is enough to scare even the bravest of souls.  But as goofy as she is, she still has her marbles. Besides, she would only be a "seat warmer" until Trump can be sworn in next January. 

Can we hold on until next January? We have to. There is no other choice.     


1 comment:

  1. I wish I could be as sanguine as you are. I see too many possibilities. There are a couple of ways Kamala could become President-- the 25th amendment (possible, unlikely), a bad fall (possible), resignation (unlikely), severe dementia forcing 25th A. However it happens, Kamala becomes POTUS and as the incumbent, should (except for the fact Biden has all the delegates) be the nominee. Question is, can she beat Trump? I'm serious. Is TDS that bad?

    Now depending on timing, Kamala is required by law to nominate a VP for herself, and with a D Senate, have him confirmed. Does that set up a Newsome VP, and a convention fight as BOTH incumbents jockey to be the nominee, and can Trump beat Newsome? Or any other Democrat?
